Christmas Photos

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"You really don't have too!" Joyce claimed as she looked at Karen with teared eyes.

"No! I must it is our gift to you!" She spoke with a smile as she embraced Joyce in a hug.

Mike and Will were busy trying to figure out how to fix each others ties while Jonathan and Nancy looked through some of the photos Jonathan already took.

"Well we leave in 5 guys, we can't be late or they may give our spot up!" Karen exclaimed as she went over to de wrinkle Holly's dress.

"I hope they do." Mike muttered rolling his eyes.

"It's fine Mike. It's like a gift to our moms! Plus maybe you'll want them in the future, it can't be that bad." Will spoke trying to counter Mike. He for one was a little excited for family photos with the Wheelers, they never had enough money to do it professionally so when Karen offered Joyce was hesitant but ecstatic!

"Yea, listen to your 'boyfriend' Mike" Nancy teased as Jonathan tried to hide his very obvious laughter.

Mike rolled his eyes once again as Nancy had seemed to be doing this a lot lately. All that teasing about Jonathan has got him to this point.

"Part of me hopes your eyes get stuck at the back of your head next time you do that." Nancy smiled sarcastically.

Mike got up and started to chase Nancy around the kitchen and living room as Jonathan and Will laughed. Holly even started running after them, not fully understanding why they were running in the first place.

"Hey hey break it up!" Karen yelled.

"No running before the photos!" She spoke in an obvious tone as she straightened out Mike's blazer.

Mike went back to sit down next to Will while Nancy retuned to Jonathan.

"I hate these clothes." Mike spoke again to no one in particular.

"Well I for one think you look handsome and dazzling" Will reassured with jazz hands as an attempt to lighten Mike's mood.

Mike lightly chuckled as he looked at Will, "Yea and I bet if they got you a matching dress with much too many sequins you would be fine with it." He spoke rolling his eyes.

"First of all do not diss Holly's beautiful ensemble" Will spoke motioning to Holly as she smiled and waved, "-and second I would rock a sequin dress better than you ever could." He spoke with fake arrogance as he turned his head away.

They looked back at each other for a few seconds before breaking into laughter.

Joyce yelled "Ok kids let's starting piling into the car." She said as Holly excitedly ran after her.

Jonathan and Will followed in suit as they started to discuss something in hushed whispers.

"Hey!" Nancy whispered at Mike before he could follow.

"I've never seen you light up like that, no one can take you out of a damp mood." She joked.

"Eh maybe" Mike responded.

"All I'm saying Mike is he's special, we can all tell."

"Will's always been special."

Nancy smirked at him, "You'll figure it out eventually." She winked before walking out the door.

"Figure out what..?" Mike asked to himself.

"Hurry Micheal we are about to be late!" Karen yelled running down the stairs and grabbing her purse.

Mike and Karen walked out the door and filed into the car with the rest.

'Figure out what?" Mike questioned in his head since again.

"You ok?" Will asked putting a hand over his.

Mike's face brightened "Yea" he smiled back, "Just fine Will." Mike spoke intertwining and squeezing Will's hand.

I shall make a part two either for after the photos or during the photos, maybe both

Sorry for the no updates i was sick last week and school is kicking my arse (how is it only November 😭😭🔫)

Words: 650, Monday November 28 2022

-a girl who's watching Wednesday, Mak

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