The Girls and the Gay(s) P1

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im bored so here, also i just posted a new chapter on my other book if you want to check it out :)


ngl this doesn't have any Byler in it i just kinda felt like writing a oneshots abt this trio, sorry

TW: mention of byler s3 fight, sad Will hours

i feel like especially in s3 they would've been a good trio so here, this is set during s3


Time line which probs wont make sense:

-This is after the "its not my fault you don't like girls" fight

-El hasn't dumped Mike but they're on rocky terms and Max is convincing her to break up with him

-Max and Lucas are together but having a mini fight because og their friends disputes(El and Mike)

-Will broke castle byers already but when Lucas and Mike were at the door knocking he was already biking away with his knapsack and a jacket in the soaking rain



Will POV:

Tears were brimming my eyes. I was soaked in rain. My shorts were most definitely covering my butt and bike in mud. And my bestfriend(if i can even call him that) practically agreed with my abusive ass dad, every bully, and every bad comment that had to do with me. 

How did he know?

 Does he know

Was it a reflex?

Does that make it any better?

I ruined Castle Byers. I ripped the pictures, crashed the wood and broke every last thing. I was trying to keep on the road but with all the ruckus outside and in my brain it was becoming hard. 

Where do i go now?

I can't go home, i can't stand Lucas' relationship venting, there's no way i'm going back to Mike's, I haven't talk to Dustin in days. Eleven? Would she let me in? Hopper wouldn't care would he? He knows me, right? 

I stopped pedaling and moved to the side. I was getting flashbacks from, but this wasn't the time. I saw a payphone just a few steps away and decided to call Hopper and ask. I hoped he wouldn't freak out about it.

I pulled two quarters from my backpack and pushed them into the machine slot before dialing his number. When i went missing i was pressured to remember more peoples numbers incase something bad did happen. It brought my mom some peace so i tried my best.

The phone rang i hoped Hopper would pick up because not only did i not have anywhere else to go, i also don't know if i have enough for another dial.

(underline = Hopper)


"Hello" i answered with hope and relief in my voice. But actually having to ask to stay was making my anxiety spike.

"Byers? What's up with you?"

Now or never.

"Um well if i tell you promise not to freak out? Im not really in danger." I stated. 

".....What's going on?" he asked with more of a serious tone.

"P-Promise?" i asked weakly, it was still storming and it was getting cold out here. I started shivering slightly.

The line went silent for a few seconds. My teeth starting the chatter.

"Promise" He finally said with some hesitance to his voice.

"Well im currently calling from a payphone and some stuff happened and my moms working a night shift and i just really need a place to stay." i spoke with urgency. Not only was it cold it but i was starting to freak out, memories of the day i rolled a seven coming back to haunt me.

"You're in the storm!" he asked alarmed, and i heard him get up.

'No wait don't come get me!" I spoke quickly, "I just really need a place to stay i can bike there i promise just...please" I finished.

"But kid-" he started.

"No!" i yelled. "Just, please." i asked weakly with desperation.

"If you don't show up in the next 8 minutes i'm calling the cops and searching, got it?"

I smiled weakly "Got it" i spoke with a breath of relief.

We hung up and i started to head to Hopper's cabin. I had tear streaks stained on my face and was sort of muddy, i was convinced half of my backpacks weight was water and i was getting goosebumps but i kept going.

I finally made it to his cabin and was hesitant to knock. Before i could back out and get back on my bike the door swung open and i was met with the eyes of Eleven.

I should've expected this.

"Hopper told me you were coming, get in here!" She spoke quickly as she pulled me inside. In the light i had now become very self aware of what i looked like right now and it was far from pretty. 

My hair was wet and stuck to my head, the bottom of my shorts and the tops of my thighs were covered in a thin layer of mud and water starting to dry, my shirt was soaked and my face was tear stained, red and puffy.

"Holy shit what happened to you" I heard someone say, i looked behind a concerned Eleven to see a newly concerned, surprised and confused Max. I didn't know she'd be here. 

"What's wrong" She walked up to me and started fussing over me with Eleven. This was humiliating.

We all heard footsteps and looked to see Hopper holding some clothes and a towel. 

"You can go change kid" He said as he pointed out the washroom. 

"Thanks" i muttered quietly before going to change. I was closing the door as i saw the three of them whisper yelling about something.

By the time i finished changing Hopper was on his recliner while i heard giggling from El's bedroom.

Hopper looked up at me "You can go join them, i trust you." he said before turning back to the tv. im surprised he didn't ask why im here but i rather postpone that conversation for as long as possible.

I knocked on the door before walking in. Eleven smiled at me as Max beckoned me to sit down. 

Max then asked the golden question "What happened and why do you look like you've been crying?" she asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

Usually i would shut down the question but that wasn't going to work so i gave my next best answer.

"Mike." I said. 

Max groaned before laughing in annoyance "I'm so sick of him! First El and now you? Does he know how to treat anybody special in his life!" Max exclaimed rolling her eyes. Me and El chuckled quietly. 

Me, Max and El spent the rest of the night discussing hot boys(i accidently outed myself by agreeing with them on Johnny cade being hot and being a bad enough liar to not be able to weasel myself out of it.), dancing to music and reading comics. It reminded me of my old times with the party.

We then decided to go to bed, El in her bed, Max by her feet, and me on the floor. 

3RD Person POV:

When Hopper walked in to ask Will a question he saw them all peacefully sleeping and decided to call Joyce and let him stay over. He turned out the lights and smiled before walking off to his own bed.


This isn't what i was planning for the chapter but i needed to give it some back story sooo

This will likely have a p2 but im not sure when

I was planning for this to be short but ig not

Words:1231 , Sunday August 14 2022

-a girl with cramped fingers, mak

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