{ Buying Fish }

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{ Aelius }
Chapter 3.


Aelius runs out his room and stumbles on some clothing on the doorway, running down the stairs.

"SÍ MA?"

"TE VENGO LLAMANDO 5 VECES YA" says the mother in a very agitated voice.

"Mom told you to cut the fresh weeds growing next to the tomatoes!!" called out his Sister from the kitchen.

"If i was her i would've just grounded You" laughs the boys father.
"Now hurry up and go before i change My mind."


As Aelius cut down the so called 'weeds', he notices some girls walking by his shallow little fence that covered his property, he stood up from his area and walked twards the edge of his fence to 'talk' with the girls.

"Hello there ladies..Very Nice day today right?"

"Yes it is, but someone looks nicer~"One of the girls would giggle agreeing.

As he walked back to the so called 'weeds' he was cutting he cought a glance of an ant pile so elegantly pilled up next to a pair of bricks near the door way.

The boy Made his way twards the ants completely forgetting about the tomato plants he had cut, while squatting down to get a better look of the little home he grabed a brick and smashed it on the ant pile, causing the pile to dissolve and have some of the ants to quickly climb his hand - instantly bitting his fingers and palm.


"Mom litterally told You to just cut the weeds and You come here with a swollen hand?!" Said the distressed girl, tired of her siblings decisions and actions.

"I shouldn't Even be helping you seeing you didn't Even cut the weeds". She glanced at the cut down tomato plants while dabbing alcohol in Aelius's hand then covering it with a bandade.

While the daughter was putting on the bandade the mother came in the kitchen and looked twards the two children next to the counter

"What happened to him??" Asked the mother in a worried tone.

"Some Ants murdered his hand when he attacked their Home" responded the daughter. Suddenly all signs of worry instantly disappeared from the mom's face,

"Pa que se te quite lo tonto". She said and left.

"She doesn't Even care if their poisonous!!" Exclaimed the sarcastic boy.

"Oh shut it She's had a long day" responded the girl.

The sister walked twards the fridge and looked inside. Aelius turned around on his stool and looked at the baby on the couch, sleeping so soundly he almost envied the kid.

"Oh and by the way You need to go get some Fish from the town's shops" Said the girl not leaving sight on the fridge.

He instantly turned around And proclaimed "Why can't You go??."

The girl turned around, closing the fridge "Beeacause... Your the one in trouble, so going to the shops for Fish will put mom at ease... Now go".

The boy thought about arguing, but decided to just get his bag-money and leave.

As he was walking back Home he heard a commoner shouting "The Royal Kids are here! The Royal Kids are here!! Make way make way!!"

He quickly walks to the side next to a shop with a whole bunch of other people, looking at the 3 Royals walking in the middle.

As they we're getting closer and closer to him he heard whispering of the 'moon prince' showing himself for the first time in a while.

So he pushed all the people infront of him and quickly got in the front row getting a better view of the three.

The boy was mesmerized of the prince infront of him. Pale white skin, with black short - wavy hair, eyes deep blue with long & pretty eyelashes, a golden mask on his face unable to see any major features.

Wearing Golden like glasses with a chain around them, wearing all black clothing with a white undershirt and a corset around his waist, using an oversized fancy jacket, with boots that get above his ankle, and a necklace with the shape...of...'a Moon?'

The boy questioned, for that moon matched his sun necklace, the boy gripped his necklace while looking back to the prince's eyes.

It seems that the prince could feel the boy staring at him for too long as he Made eye contact with the masked Beauty.

Both of them felt time suddenly slow down as they kept the eye contact. The boy could feel a slight heat rise to his face as they kept looking at eatchother, even when the Prince was already past the boy.

After that incident, the boy ran Home shouting at his mom that he saw in the distance.
"Amá, i think I'm in love!!"

800 words, i feel Very very proud.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now