{ Till death do us part, Aelius. }

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Chapter 34

It was the day.

It was wedding day.

I mean, of course it's wedding day. Why wouldn't it be? Not like he didn't know it was wedding day. Of course he knew, was he nervous? Not at all, that would be quite silly, laughable. Haha.



He's been stuck at his chamber's mirror, readjusting his hair every five seconds, muttering things like "no that's not right" or "maybe like this-?" Then end up smacking his lips in defeat.

In a minute or two, a dozen people will come into his room and immediately start dressing him. As much as he hates it when others dress him, his mother tells him to have a change for once, so he's giving it a shot, for his mother.

He'd seen a glance of what he would wear, and to be quite frank... It's really eye catching. But then again, it could be for something else, like a test ..? Testing to see if it's suitable for him or not. Hopefully that's what it is.

In his simple, kind hearted opinion, that attire would bring great shame not only on him but to the whole kingdom.

That wasn't really his main concern at the moment though.

He.. just.

He can't get married, he just can't. Even though he is in a few hours. He just can't.. wed with the princess. He loves her truly, but.. it's not the person he'd imagine getting married with.

He's incredibly selfish for choosing someone else, of course he is. But it wasn't right. And the worst part is that he can't tell anyone about his problems. what would they think of him if he decided to tell?

That he's.. a fag? That he's mentally ill?
Selfish? An idiot? A disgrace to the kingdom? He doesn't want that, not for him not for anyone. Not for Aelius.

He's tried moving on, but he can't. They gave him 4 months to move on and yet the guy hasn't left his mind ever since for marbles sake! Infact, it made him love Aelius even more than before. He wasn't allowed to speak or even look at the princess during these hours, it would be bad luck to do so.

So they were held in their own rooms until the time being. The sun hadn't even started to rise when they were already knocking at his door waking him up, he should have guessed it would have been like this anyway.

"You're Majesty?" A person called from outside his doors.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you ready, your Majesty?" The prince took a long sigh, and looked out the window hazily. "Come in" he shouted.

A dozen of servants and maids came in bustling through his doors, almost shocking him on the amount of people in his room in just seconds. He felt a tight squeeze in his waist, making him stumble forwards. A maid was measuring his waist ? She tugged him again this time making him stagger backwards.

"Hold still okay-?" The maid told him sternly. "..A- alright." He said defeatedly.

He doesn't remember the rest of it, they changed him so fast he didn't have the time to process what they did. Really they could have poisoned him and he'd be clueless about it, they gave him a cup of tea as they changed him. Really the possibilities are endless to what they could have done.

His room was empty, yet somehow even cleaner than before they entered his room. He found it fascinating how much they can multitask like that. They almost made him self-aware of his own possibly horrible skills. He glanced at himself through the mirror, and gasped lightly.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now