{ Only for the paintings }

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{ Ehann }
Chapter 4.

As the prince was walking through the long corridor's of this castle a very cheerful maid had snuck behind the prince and tapped on his shoulder from behind


The prince had flinched at the sudden encounter with the maid, screeching as if his soul had left his body.

"Lisbeth!! What have I told you about such pranks!"

Said the poor boy said as he touched his shoulders as in self - consoling himself

"You scared me half to death.." the prince had explained.

"Sorry, it's just that you were all alone in the darkest hallway here" the maid had laughed out while wiping away her tears with a napkin.

"Is that all you communicated with me for?" The prince questioned

The maid looks at him as in trying to remember why she had come looking for him, then suddenly her face brightens up

"It's your dinner time! Your father asked for you to come to the dinning room!" She cheerfully claims

"Very well then..Thank you i will be on my way" the prince shouts as he's running away from the cheerful girl who's running closely behind him.

"WHAT ARE WE RUNNING FOR?!" Was the last thing the poor prince had heard before he fell and passed out.

The first thing the prince saw when he had woken up was a table, with food, and his family sitting around it. He looked down to where he was sitting and noticed his feet were tied down with the chair's legs.

"why am I tied down to this chai"-

"Becaauussse brother..if we where to just simply ask you to come eat with us you would have run away" the brother said as he munched on his steak.

"Are we that horrendous to you??" Asks the brother as he puts one hand where his heart is, faking a sad frown then looking away from the confuzeled prince next to him.

"Oh c'mon Timothy just leave the poor kid alone" said the princess.

"What he meant to say is that right after our dinner you are all going on a walk around town" responded his mother as she wiped her mouth gently with a napkin.

"Well thank you for your offer but I'm gonna pass" the prince said while he took the first bite of his food.

"That wasn't a question Ehann" demanded the mother, stoping her eating to look at her son.

"Your mother's correct son" agreed his father as he looked at his wife.

"You need to go out there at least one time...show your face to the town at least once.." continued his father, who's now looking at him.

"Eh-.. Think of it as a way to inspire yourself for those paintings you so much adore yea?" The king said,then ate a piece of his food.

The prince looked at everyone attending in the table. "...Sure" he responded as he drank from his glass cup. His family was shocked yet delighted not wanting to speak more to the prince, seeing as he can easily change his mind

"Can you untie my foot now.. ?" .


"Hurry up Brother!! We don't have much time to waste!!" Shouted the sister at her youngest brother

The prince suddenly appeared from around one of the hallway corners, "I thought this was just a walk around the town?" Questions the prince, starting to doubt what the real purpose is for a 'walk around town'.

"Oh don't be silly.. " responded the princess not wanting to share words, entering the carriage.

Timothy entered the carriage last and looked at her sister, then looked at his brother, laughing as he whispered.

"I'll give you 1k if our sister sneaks away and visits that pretty boy she's found yesterday in the lake's town."

"I heard that!" Spoke the princess, looking away from them then towards the window.

The rest of the ride was silent, the tension between the siblings was little, but it was apparent enough for Ehann to feel.


As the three were getting off the carriage they could hear a sudden commotion and a commoner screaming

"The royal kids are here! The Royal Kids are here!!Make way! Make way!!"

"Honestly i just don't know why he does that e-v-e-r-y time we come here" said the annoyed-ish Timothy.

"Don't mind it ehann just stay quiet and walk...this will get over soon" the princess whispered

The prince didn't say anything as they had practically answered his questions, when they were walking almost half way you could hear the faint whispering of the town's people.

"Who's he?"
"Is he a prince?"
"He's so cute!"
"Is this that one prince??"
"Let's just leave before it gets too crowded."
"He should've just stayed in that castle"

The prince did not like this at all, he was starting to rethink why he had agreed to come here in the first place, he glanced at his siblings and they both had a gentle and sincere smile.
So he attempted it too.

As the siblings were arriving towards the end, the prince felt a certain person stare at him intensely, as if he saw an expensive jewel. The temptation got to him and he searched for the person he felt and found him.

It was this unknown male about his age. He had dark-grey hooded eyes, with fine bushy brows, black short fluffy hair with bangs in each side of the face.

Light freckles on his ears that lead to his nose, one feather earing on his left ear, wearing worn out jean overalls with chains on his hips and a black hoodie tucked in. Using black ankle shoes and lose bracelets hanging on his right hand.

He was enchanted by the boy in some sort of way he's never felt before, for him every second he kept looking at the boy, the more he felt like walking towards him and start a conversation.

But then again, it could always be that he's never seen another male other than his father and brother... Maybe this was the pretty boy his brother was talking about, was this feeling ...curiosity?

1031 words.

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