{ I'll wait years if I have to }

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{ Aelius: }
Chapter 21.

Aelius pased back and forth on his bedroom. The shook of what he'd just done a few moments ago didn't leave his head.

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

The prince lightly giggled. But stoped, soon realizing how serious Aelius was.

"Wait, you're serious?" Questioned the prince.

"Yea..?" Aelius spoke.

"You know who i am right?"

"A dashing beauty of a prince whom i have the privilege to talk to?"

It kept replaying on his head like a stuck comb that you kept unconsciously turning- to the point where you couldn't take it off of you're hair no matter how hard you tried.

Biting on his bottom lip and constantly looking at the clock wasn't gonna necessarily help him either.

So he sat on his bed, lightly tapping on the wooden floor with his foot, to ease out the nerves of the whole thing.

"Aelius!" Shouted his sister.

"What?" He shouted back.

"Stop tapping you're foot in the floor! i can hear it throughout the whole damn house!"


Instead of tapping his foot on the floor, he decided to just think about sheep jumping on a fence. Don't blame the poor guy, the family wouldn't let him tap on the floor.

And finally, after an hour and a half of counting sheep.
Aelius eased out the nerves, and his heart could finally breathe properly.

"Aelius!" Called out his mom.

"Si madre?" Aelius opened his door, to listen better at what she was about to say.

"Dinners ready! Come downstairs!"


Aelius put on his slippers and went downstairs, leading himself to the dinning room with windows on every wall.

Aelius sat down at the middle chair in the table, "it's where the best food was set." he would tell his youngest siblings, and that
"they would have to beat him in getting in the chair first to get the best food." He would continue to tease them.

Amelia, Toah, and Lius; his younger siblings, would be his most precious siblings. Not that he didn't love his older siblings but, he doesn't really talk to them as much as he does with his youngest siblings.

Which let to the close connection they all have with eatchother. He had two older siblings; Antonio, and Nia.

Nia is the one who makes it her job to annoy the living sun out if him. And sometimes, it would be his time to annoy her.

They had a sort of sibling- rivalry going on, and they didn't regret it once.

"So how did it go with the masked prince? Or did you chicken out and didn't do anything?" Nia teased him.

This brought Aelius flashbacks of what had happened, making him freeze cold. Spoon held halfway towards Aelius's mouth. But his sister's remark quickly brought him back to life.

"It went well thank you very much. And no, i didn't chicken out." He protested.

"At least i stoped myself from doing so.." Aelius mumbled the rest.

Somehow, his sister managed to understand what he had said; making her giggle to what he said.

"Ay." His mom clicked her tounge.
"Leave the poor boy alone Nia, he's had too much stress on him these days."

Aelius looked around the table, for some reason. He felt as if they were missing something, or someone.

Not knowing what it was, he looked at the kids beside him, nothing gone.
He looked at the side opposite of him, nothing gone on the right, but on the left- was an empty chair.

He looked at the people again, this time with more patience. Then he figured out who was missing.

"Hey guys. Where's dad?" Aelius spoke.

The chattering and laughs that were on the table stoped. Then questions started to fill the table.

"Oh dad? He said he was coming in a bit, he was just picking up the newsletters at the door. He should've been here by now though." Antonio said.

And just as said, his father came in though the front door. He was laughing while holding a roll Aelius could only guess was the newspaper.

"Hey, guess what my dear family." The father spoke.

"The youngest prince is gonna come to the town and announce official statements and profits tomorrow." He finished, resting on the free chair on the dining table.

Placing the newspaper on a nearby table. And gratefully eating the food on his plate, not before kissing his wife in the hand.

The prince was coming to his town? And coincidentally the same day as the date? Of course he understood that the prince has busy schedules.

But the last bit of hope Aelius had of the prince showing up to their date was dimming down very fastly.

What if he made a fool of himself up in the castle, And the prince doesn't wanna talk to him anymore? His heartbeat quickened.

One thing for sure, is that he was going to the prince's announcement, his last bit of hope depending on it.

Okay maybe he hasn't been the brightest pearl in the shell. He didn't even tell the prince a timing of when the date took place.

And worse, he didn't even tell him where either. To be precise, he was mentally regretting decisions one by one.

How did this happen in the first place? Just 5, or even 6 days ago. He was calmly living his charming life.

Entertaining the ladies here and there, helping out his neighborhood with tough jobs, and planting... White flowers, in his garden.

That currently sit in the middle of the table.

Yet lately, that's all he hasn't, been doing.

But he won't give up on the prince.
No matter what.
He'll wait days, weeks, months.
Oh stars, even years if he has to.

Maybe it was the prince's laugh that started this, or they way he smiled in the moonlight.

Or the way his personality hit him like a sword through the heart.

Or maybe, just maybe. It was when they met in the lines on the town. When he made his first appearance in a while. And when they met eatchother again, in the field of white flowers.

Shaking his head, he decided to finish his food before it ran cold. To risk having to wait an hour or more for his mother to heat it up again.

Or worse, make her do it again, he'd rather stop what he's thinking of than make his precious mother do such things.

After finishing eating, he washed the dishes and left to his bedroom, closed his door; and plopped on his bed. To tired to think of anything else. He fell asleep.

1113 words.

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