{ As pretty as a Flower }

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{ Ehann: }
Chapter 18.

The two walked side by side in the long cold yet, soothing hallway. The early foggy sky shining through the Windows leaving the hallways walkers in a cozy mood.

"Why did you want to walk with me, Prince?" Asked the princess.

"I just wanted to get to know you better is all, you seem like the fun type." He calmly responded.

"Did you just assume my personality?"
She teased.

"But I'm right, am i wrong?" He teased back.

The princess lightly blushed and turned away, leaving the prince with a satisfactory smile as the two kept walking past maids, butlers, knights, all of the sort.

Every few minutes, the prince could feel her glancing at him up and down- then turning away, this kept going for a while; until they reached the doors to the outside garden.

The prince stopped before opening the doors and turned to look at her, the princess looked at him up and down one more time, with hesitation in her eyes, did he have something on him that she glanced so much at?

The prince looked at himself this time.

"I'm sorry, but is there something on me? I couldn't help but feel you looking at me quite often." The prince asked her, clearly not getting it.

The princess giggled at his confused self, she inched closer to the prince, and closer, and closer.

To the point his back touched the back of the glass wooden door, this left the prince even more confused.

"We're matching outfits, coincidence don't you think?" She smiled warmly.

This time, he payed close attention to what they were wearing, then he noticed it - it's practically identical! Just made for different genders. They looked like a couple at that too.

This explains why they got stares from the people they walked pass by. He felt a slight heat rush through his face.

"Oh, we'll would you look at that." He laughed at the situation they were in, lightly covering his mouth.

When he opened his eyes from his good laugh, he noticed the princess's expression- locking eyes with her, she looked dazed on his face.

Her brownish- blackish hair laying perfectly on her face and shoulders, and the dress looking beautiful on her.

Her eyes were slightly widened, a hot red in her face and her mouth slightly opened too, only being able to see her two front teeth.

Then he widened his eyes, she looked, beautiful? She looked pretty, she looked lovely. As pretty as a flower.

Then he cleared his throat, attempting to get these thoughts away from himself for the moment.

"Let me open the door for you, princess." He spoke.

"Pardon?" She mindlessly said.

"Can I ..open the door for you?"

" Oh, Oh! Yes y-es sorry." She laughed.

"Zoned out for a while there." She cleared her throat.

"All good, Hahahah."

The prince showed her around the garden, point at things and explaining why every flower is grown in it's specific spot, lightly pushing eatchother in the little passage way's in the garden.

Exploring new places and finding a new fountain that was newly built in the garden. Watching the little fish swim in the fountain together was the highlight of they're hour.

He looked at her and hesitated for a moment, but when she looked at him- all hesitation went away.

"Follow me, i wanna show you something. Do you trust me?" The prince asked.

The last thing he said reminded him of something. But he didn't know what exactly.

"I trust you." She said.

The he tripped over air, luckily- the princess didn't notice. He remembered of the times him an Aelius told eatchother that.

Crazy how normal conversations with another could caused the prince to renember him. It didn't feel right when the princess and him did that, even if it's a normal thing.

Then they arrived to two trees arching towards eatchother covering what's after it. Almost like a secret doorway.

"Do you trust me?"
There he did it again. It's not even his line.

"I trust you, prince"
That was his line. He felt lightly confused by this.

Then he moved the branches filled with leaves leaving a little passageway for her to enter through.

"Thank you." She smiled softly at him.

On the other side of the two trees was an amazing view of the towns and trees that covered the kingdom. You could see the busy town and all it's people, pets, guards. Everything.

But after the two trees was also a field of Navy Blue flowers scattered all around mixed with pearly white flowers.

The princess had a shocked face, but she was also in awe of how beautiful the place was they we're on a hill.

To the point where if a villager were to look up at the hill, they wouldn't see them.

"Ehann! This- This is so beautiful!" She looked at him, wind flowing through her. Making her look like a leaf; dancing the field.

Every moment that he looked at her, and he felt himself being taken away by the wind towards her. He looked at her, and he thought of how stunning she looked, dancing in the flowers.

But deep down, this didn't feel right.
Why did he feel like this wasn't supposed to happen? It was clearly a lovely scene to fall inlove with, but why didn't he feel okay with it? Like if it wasn't supposed to be here with her, but..

A sudden flash of Aelius popped on his head, but with Aelius.
.....Aelius? .......Aelius? Why did he pop in his head when he was feeling like this? This all confused him very much.

They stayed there for a while, sitting in the field talking about anything and everything, how it is on the other kingdom, how it is on his kingdom, and how he never really goes outside his castle into the town.

"Not much of an explorer" he would tell her, then she would tell him of how beautiful his town is, hinting that they should both go today.

Time came to an end, and they had walk back into the castle, on their way to the dining hall, to greet others and eat breakfast.

1058 words.
Pls i tell you it won't be a love triangle for long 😭. I just had to.

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