{ Never had a choice }

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{ Agatha: }
Chapter 12.

Agatha walked through the corridor's of the castle.

By now she's already familiar with the hallways and rooms this palace contained, everything about the place seemed to attract her unconditionally.

The way flowers bloom on the outside of windows, the way the walls were high and covered by beautiful paintings the youngest prince would do, the way everyone who inhabitated the place seemed humble and happy, it felt like home, like she belongs.

As she walked down the main entrance long stairs she cought a glance of something from the corner of her eye, it was a larger painting -larger than the rest she's seen.

She turned the corner in wich the canvas hanged and that's when she saw the most beautiful art she's ever seen in her life time.

It was a part of the town she hasn't seen before, maybe the forest she saw when leaving the leather shop the other day?

But who's the boy in the painting?
A cousin? No.. he doesn't have the right clothes, and he looks nothing like the princes and princesses here.

Maybe a Towns person? But why would he paint him if he was just someone from they're town?

Maybe this was the person he.. loved? Did she come to his life to late? But a male...

She's heard people talking about such a thing but never expected it to be true.

Is it forbidden in this kingdom?
Her thoughts about the situation slowly pained her, but she was sort of relieved in a way.

This way she had an excuse not to marry Prince Ehann, but if she ever did truely love him would she have a chance on the prince mentaly? He is beautiful.

Then again she is a princess so it wouldn't matter if he loved a man or not. It would be a forced arranged marriage.

"My sweet baby, you do know that you're gonna have to marry that prince right? This isn't just a greeting between Kings and Queens.

Its for you to get close with him so that it wouldn't be disturbing when you live together. And he might not be the Future king, but he will someway."

Her mother's voice echoed though her brain over and over again, she didn't want to but it would be what's best for both kingdoms, to have a child with such powerful genes would even kill the gods itself.

She felt cold streaks run down her cheeks, it was her cry. What could she do about the whole thing anyway?

And even if she could stop the arrangement it's not like he could marry the towns man, its forbidden in many countries, wouldn't be surprising if this was one of those kingdoms.

"Lady Agatha?" She snapped her head at the voice beside her, it was the middle prince, Timothy she guessed? She only remembered Ehann's name.

"Are you feeling well? You've been standing her for quite some time now, you didn't even notice when i stood beside you." He giggled at her

It had only felt like minutes passed but it was actually hours, she glanced at the window behind her a saw the sun had already fallen.

"You also have dried tears on your face madam" He added to her sentence.

"Would you like me to lead you to bed?"

"If you have time, please do"

"Very well then, please let me lead the way."

He started walking her to her destined bedroom but abruptly, he stopped at the entrance. He turned around and glanced at her, he had a pained expression plastered on his face.

"Please don't cry, Pretty people shouldn't cry even if you'll look beautiful regardless" he confronted her, wiping the tears away from her face.

This caused a thump in her heart, so confusing, what did this thump even mean? Admiration? Love? The pity?

She can't sort out her own thoughts at the moment, it all went falling down on her ever since she saw the painting.

"I won't ask you what it is you're crying for, but just know you have me to lean on, I'll be there." He whispered to her as he opened the door.

"Thank you" is all the princess could muster up to say.

She plopped on her bed, not wanting to be disturbed.
And not even bothering to change from her light dress.

But maybe things will change?

732 words.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now