{ Duties of a King }

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{ Horas: King }
Chapter 15.

King horas couldn't be found today, his wife checked room for room and door for door on this castle.

But no signs of any King, then finally; a place came to mind, the second library.

The second library is where King Horas plays his favorite game chess, he goes there every once in a while because of his many duties of a King, not like in his old days how he would play every single minute of his day.

And there he was just as the Queen expected. Playing solitary chess on a fancy hidden place only few people on the castle knew.

"Mind if I join you Highness?" The Queen teased.

"Oh i wouldn't mind at all my Queen."

And the queen sat down Infront of him loosing her shoulders so that now she could be comfortable.
The king did the same.

"It's been a while since we've played together, don't you think?" The Queen said.

"I hope it's not the last." He responded.

"Why? Another war?"

"Yes, this time it's the Kingdom of Senroia, they want to fight in the Sevroa filed." He sighed.

"Well no war has ever stoped you from coming back home safely and with it's people, don't fuss about too much"


"This war will take place in 4 years time. I have much to do before the date" The King said

'Well how about i take your mind off of things?" The Queen inquired

The king finally looked up to his Wife, the wife's eyes were fixated on the board game.
The queen moved a piece and smiled.

"Well?" She snickered.

The king moved his piece, then the queen moved hers and took out his piece.

"You're getting better" he laughed.

"Our baby boy painted another painting" The Queen moved another chess piece.

"Oh really? Then what is it now?"

"A boy."

"A boy?"

"Yes, i saw the canvas this morning!"

"What boy?"

"I'm not quite sure, he seemed like the town's type, perhaps a friend he made?"

"A friend? Then i should have known sooner. Should we invite this.. boy to a dinner?" The king questioned.

"Maybe you should talk it out with you're son, show him you care honey. It can't always be me who talks to him, maybe go around the day with him?"

"Dearest you know very well i can't speak with my children as good as you do... But I'll try" The King agreed.

The king and queen kept playing after that, round and round and round again.

They would hear the knights and butlers look around for them, they would hear the panics and murmurs of the butlers, and all they would do is laugh.

They felt like 18 again, hiding from the people around them and giggle when they couldn't find them.

"You should go now honey, it's 15' till 6 am"

"You're right, very well then I'll be on my way" The King said.

And so he left the secret area.

500 words.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now