{ I love you }

434 29 12

{ Ehann }
Chapter 31

Every step he took he felt his feet sink into the ground, slowly walking slower and slower.

He had his cape on and his face was well covered. But his shoes were well expensive, the kind you don't want to be seen walking around with.

So he walked in the middle of the crowd, he told the butler to wait in a discreet area, a place it wouldn't be found in so that the kingdom wouldn't be aware that he's left the castle.

But that's not what bothered him.

How would he even begin explaining to him? What would he start with? 'Hey we need to end this, i can't be with you because i need to get married?' wouldn't that be easy, but Aelius would understand right?

He has to get married. For the kingdom.

And having an affair with him, wouldn't do any good.

So it's understandable right?


He thought of buying something, but then again. It isn't a date where everything would be fine. So he decided not to.

The bugs and the wind seemed to warn him about what he was about to do, like if he should rethink and go back to the castle. Like if he would regret this.

...Would he regret this?

He could see him standing from afar, looking out into the scene of mountains and rivers. Fireflies surrounding him, making him look like royalty without even trying.

He tried walking as slow as he could, but looking at him made him want to run up to him and kiss him for the last time, just forget about the marriage for once.

So he almost started running. But he catched himself before he could even try, and just walked at a semi fast pace.

"Hey" he faintly called.

Aelius turned around and smiled at him so genuinely, it made his heart flutter a million miles-per hour. That-


He couldn't bring himself to tell him about it.

It wasn't fair, his crazy beautiful face didn't let him speak, he liked him better when he wasn't facing him. That way he could say what he would say and leave.

But no, he had to turn around and show his beautiful stupid face. He tried walking away, but his body wouldn't move. So he just stood there, puzzled.

"It's.. been so long." Aelius laughed.

"I- ..i forgot what i was going to ask you." He said, Smiling and looking down.

"Me too." Was all the prince could mutter out.

"Sorry i didn't.. send you a letter."

"Oh it's fine, i understand." Aelius smiled.


They both just stared at eatchother in shock and curiosity, then the prince looked at his hands.

And saw him holding a bouquet, he felt like crying. The poor guy is just trying to break up with him while he's bringing him flowers? The prince looked away and sighed a long sigh.

"Sit down with me?" Aelius asked, gesturing to sit with him in the grass.

Ehann looked at him, up and down, then smiled sadly. "Sure."


"So" Aelius mumbled.

The prince didn't answer back.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now