{ Dates }

399 27 4

{ Ehann: }
Chapter 24

The rest of the ride back wasn't one of best ones the prince has experienced in his life. The princess sat on one side of the carriage and the prince on the other.

It seemed fine at first, by that time the prince had already finished his water and he felt his face finally start to cool off.

But then the road got.. bumpy.

The road they had used before wasn't as bumpy as the one they were in at the moment. So very oftenly, the two royalties would bounce around in their seats when a bump was rougher than the one before.

But there was one bump that made the prince fall off his seat completely, causing him to pin the princess in a corner inside the carriage.

Both of the prince's hands were closely placed beside the princess's shoulders, while one knee pressed on the cushioned seat next to the end of the princess's dress.

Quite the position.

The two stayed like that for a good minute, the prince couldn't move, he had a gut feeling it would have gotten worse if he did.

The both of them wanted to say something, anything to make the mood less awkward.

"Oh, my.." The princess barely muttered out.

"I'm... terribly sorry." The prince looked away from the princess, refusing to meet eyes with her.

"No -no, um.. it- it's alright!" The princess stuttered out.

The prince glanced at the princess he currently held, her face was crimson red, and her eyes were fixated on the princes collar - refusing to look anywhere else.

And when the carriage went on a quick stop. The prince instantly went back to his seat only this time, grabbing onto the seat with more force.

Unwanting to experience the same situation twice.

Aelius glimpsed at the princess again out of curiosity, and she held the same expression but this time - she held her fingers on her lip.

And then they both made eye contact.
The prince was the first to avert the staring contest, and after a while of contemplating, he decided it was best to just look at the window and count how many trees they past by.


...170, 171, 172, 173, 174.

The prince counted 174 trees on his way back to the castle, he almost got so invested in counting he almost forgot where he was heading.

"You're majesties, in a few minutes we'll arrive at the castle." The man from outside shouted.

"Very well!" The prince shouted back, peeking his head out the window.

Then he sat down quietly in his seat, his hands were calmly placed on his legs, and he planted his eyes at the carpeted carriages floor.

Attempting to avoid any unwanted eye contact with the princess across from him.

"Prince Ehann..?" Agatha called.

Ehann jerked up his head at the call of his name being said. The princess spoke his name?

He wasn't aware they were on a name basis already, if he had known this he would have done so a while ago.

And before he could respond she spoke again

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now