{ New interests }

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{ Ehann: }
Chapter 17.

The prince sighed a long sigh, never once had he thought his father would want to willingly spend time with him.

Surely with the princess or the other prince; but never with him, he looked at the beautiful white flowers that laid in his vanity and couldn't help but admire them.

He sighed again and walked towards the doorway and peeked through.
"Exactly! So i told her-"
"Guards?" The prince spoke.

"Uh-.. Oh! Yes you're majesty?" One of the guards questioned.

"Could one of you call my butler over? It's important."
"Of course you're majesty." The guard spoke and quickly walked towards the butlers office.

The prince felt like sighing again but stoped himself, he'd been feeling like this every morning for a while now.

If he could explain this feeling in words- they would be exhausted, unworried, and bored.

But ever since he's met Aelius, it's like he's made his life better, he's made him more carefree, more blissful, less.. grumpy?

And yet he's somehow made his life more troublesome. Is this what it feels to have a new friend? Can he even call him a friend?
With all the new feelings Aelius has made him feel in just a week is, something the prince has never thought of experiencing; Let alone in a week.

He felt his face heat up, it's been happening for a while now but he doesn't have a clue of what it is, curiously he walked to his human sized mirror.

And there he saw himself, he saw himself blush. Blush? Him? Over a boy? This left him confused, surely it's not because of any romantic feelings. Right?

Yeah thats probably not it, romantic feelings for a boy? Of course it's not because of something so.. so absurd. He's not attracted to.. men. But why does he smile when he thinks about him?

"You're majesty, you asked to see me?" A faint voice could be heard on the other side of the doorway.

The prince assumed it was his butler.

Since that's the only reasonable person.

"Yes, you may come in." He spoke.
"I wanted you to tell me my schedule for today, i forgot it.."

The butler sighed.
"Pardon my rudeness- you're majesty, aren't you being quite forgetful and clumsier these days? Is there something i should be worried about?"

"No- not at all" the prince said.
He didn't want to spread any unwanted rumors about Aelius, the king would create a fuss if he knew how- how close the two of them were

"Well let's see here... Oh right." The butler said. He muttered something under his breath unable to understand.

"Well, at 7:30 am you have to eat breakfast with your family, then at 8:30 am you have to help you're brother, Prince Timothy with paperwork.

Next to that is at 10 am, you have to change from you're normal attire to you're formal attire and visit the towns, giving assuring- inspirational speeches and telling people about the new selling hours and money exchanges, should last about an hour or so.

But just to make sure you're visits to the towns are fulfilled you're next mandatory appointment is delayed from 12am to 2:30 pm, you have to go on a mandatory picnic with the princess from the other family, Agatha. The rest is unofficial till for now but if you must know it includes the following hours. 3:40 pm, 5 pm. Any problems with that you're majesty?" The butler said once again.

"No no, i think i got it this time, Thank you. You can leave now"

The butler bowed and left, the prince sighed and looked at the clock.
6:07 am.

The prince thought for a minute, what could he do to pass the time? He could water his precious plants, he could try to find the cat in the bush from that one day, maybe even buy a cat.

Then he decided, he was going to talk with Agatha -she seemed like a nice person to be with in times like these.
Maybe they could even become friends?

He walked along the corridors on the Castle,the flowers that grew on the outside reminded him of his calm life.

Most of his life he'd neved delt with major battles or paperwork. It would always be the little battles and little stacks of paperwork that the king would assign for him, mostly because he's the youngest- so his siblings would deal with it; or his parents of course.

The purpose of hiding his face to the kingdom is because he was kidnapped when he was very little, along with his sister when they were really young. He recalls the memory with pain in his heart, remembering it like it was yesterday.

The kidnapper had asked for a large amount of money and privilege, but he'd gotten easly inpatient and aimed for the prince's neck, but one of the guards managed to enter the place unnoticed and managed to save the prince's life along with the princess.

The knife the man held on the prince's throat had gotten pushed towards his face and sliced in his left eye just barely leaving the eye safe from the cut.

That was all he renembered from the time, they said he could have almost died if the cut was anymore deeper. It had caused a riot throughout the near Kingdoms and let's not even mention how it was in their own.

But he's started to feel at ease with the mark, it's not that noticable but you know it's there, he only uses his mask when he's outside the castle.

Then he stops and looks at the door ahead, the guards there seemed to stiffen their posture even more at the sight of him. It made the prince slightly taken aback.

"You're majesty." A guard spoke and bowed Along with the other.

"Guards." He said and then smiled at them, it seemed to cause an effect on them seeing how they turned their heads down.
"Could you please inform the princess id like to talk with her?"

"Y-es you're majesty, please wait a moment." The second guard spoke.

"Princess Agatha?" They knocked on her door.

"Yes?" A faint voice could be heard from inside.

"Prince Ehann asked to see you. Would you like me to excuse him?" The guard said.

Rumbling and tumbling could be heard from inside the chamber, loud crashes here and there; water rushing and light muttering.

Then the doors of the chamber quickly swung Open and closed. Revealing a very bright light blinding the eyes of the ones around her. Yet making her beautiful in a way.

"Would you like to accompany me to the garden, Princess Agatha?" The prince gently spoke and smiled warmly.

1154 words.

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