< Prologue >

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In the kingdom of Asdengravall there's a new baby prince.

Barely born, this prince couldn't get a name chosen from the King and Queen; the Queen thought long and hard for a name, but couldn't get the perfect one for him.

There was Bartholomew, Bennett, Sanporade, Disterdy, Anotelict, Ben, Venton, Eric, Lopin. But none satisfied the Queen enough for the boy. She claimed he was very special, so she asked if they could give her till midnight, and they agreed.

Long and hardly she would stress for a name, they had to give her and the King a total isolated room where there would be peace and quiet for them to think. The sun started to fall and the Queen started to feel ill.

It was the King who had to choose a name now, he thought of Steven, Frederick, Jacob, Damien, George, Benotte, Quertorin, Horas, Nemos. But none fit the Queen's interest.

Midnight had fallen and the Queen decided to take a night stroll through the garden with her baby and Husband, leaving the other two children to sleep.

The Queen swears she felt a Gush of cold wind flow though her back making her look up into the moonlight, then it clicked.

Her Son would be called Ehann.
Ehann meaning moonlight.
'The hope and soothing calmness to ones Life.' The Queen claimed.


On the other side of this very Kingdom, Say a year ago.

Was born a very dashing young baby, with 2 other siblings staring at him skeptically, while he was wrapped up in a blanket on a bed.

This mother also couldn't get a name for her baby, she thought of many names names like: Ricardo, Jose, Elias, Fetimos, Quero, Eddie, Nemines, Mimo, Alelí, Alelos, and more.

Her husband was at work so they couldn't help with the name picking, and the children didn't help at all either.

She decided to sit on her porch on a wooden chair her husband had made for her, she thought of how bright the sun was in day, how it was impossible not to look at. Then she looked at her crying baby.

And so she chose the name: Aelius.
Aelius meaning Sunlight.
'The one who's eyes you can't take off of.' She claimed


Time passes by, and now they're 6 years old, no one of the Royal family knows where their youngest prince is.

Neither does the towns family know where their youngest son is. Both children were sleeping soundly in their beds. And suddenly, they both appeared on a field of white flowers in the middle of nowhere.

Both children looked at eatchother, not knowing what to say to one another.

"There you are, young highness!" Was the last thing they both heard.

What would happen if they met each other again for the second time many years later? Face to face in the same place?


Aelius Leginton is 19-20 years old in this story.
Prince Ehann is 18-19 years old in this story.
This book will contain.

-Different languages

This book won't contain any major TW.
(I hope.) (I accept constructive criticism! Just dm me!)

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