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3rd Person's POV:

It was an hour after Shadow and Rachel's Doubles Round as they were seen now back in their dorm room with their teammates, along with Team RWBY joining them in their room, discussing on what's to come for the Singles Rounds.

As they were discussing with Yang and Rachel on what's to come for the singles rounds, Ruby noticed a scar on Shadow's left wrist, to her confusion and worry, for her to sound of.

Ruby: ummm.... Shadow?

Ruby said.

Shadow looks at Ruby who is beside him throughout the discussion.

Shadow: Yes, Rubes?

He asked.

Ruby: what happened to your wrist?

She said, pointing at the scar, for everyone to stop discussing as they look at Ruby, then the scar.

Shadow lifts up his left arm that Ruby was looking as he looked at the scar.

Shadow: Ah. You are talking about this scar which trails more, not just my wrist?

He ask, shocking everyone except his teammates as theyclook in worry.

Weiss: Then- whu- how bad is it?

Just before Weiss and Shadow continued, Tenka intervened.

Tenka: Wait, Weiss. Doc, are you sure you want to share this information?

Tenka ask, for Team RWBY to look at Tenka.

Tenka: Remember, Doc. This information is really sensitive, even to the one you love who now sits beside you. So, are you sure you want to share this scar and information with her and with us?

Tenka ask.

Shadow looks at Ruby, then back to Tenka.

Shadow: Yes. We've come so far, Tenka. So, it is best that our friends has the right to know.

Shadow said.

Tenka nods at this.

Tenka: okay. Then I'll support you.

Blake: we all will.

Blake said.

Shadow looked at his teammates and his lover's teammates, for him to nod at this after looking at them. So, he removed his right sleeve of his pajamas, revealing to Team RWBY that the scar continues on till his shoulder, to their shock.

Weiss: Your arm!

Shadow: Scars, yes.

Ruby: But how did you even get them?

Yang: yeah.... they look like they're.... bad....

Mitchell: I know, dear. But,.... I believe Cap has all the answers to that.

Mitchell said.

Shadow: What Mitch said is correct. I have the answers to how I got this. Since we are now friends, it is only fair that I share everything on what happened to me, and to my arm.

Blake: But those scars are bad. How is your arm still moving?

Tenka: Uh... kitty~ he's a Doctor-in-Training so,....

Blake: Oh. Sorry.

Shadow: It's fine. You all may think my arm will be amputated from the looks of these scars. Fortunately, Hiro is good at Operations so, he managed to patch my arm back up.

Shadow said, for Team RWBY to look at awe at Hiro's work.

Yang: Whoa....

Ruby: So, how did you come to get those scars?

Weiss: Despite Ruby being nosey.... I still share the same fascination on how you got them.

Ruby and Weiss said.

Shadow giggled at this.

Shadow: Well, since you four want to know about it so bad, I think it's cool we turn it into a story..... a horror story at that fact to explain how I came to have those scars.

Shadow said.

Some brightened up, while some shivered upon hearing that Shadow is about to explain everything in a form of a story.

Ruby: Scary stories.

Blake: scary stories sometimes makes my ears stand...

Tenka: don't worry, i'm here.

Mitchell: Same goes to me.

Yang: awww~ thanks.

Mitchell blushed at Yang's thanks.

Weiss: W-well! If he's going to explain, i'm willing to hear him out.... despite how scary it sounds....

Rachel: don't worry, Weiss. It's just a story. The downside is.... it's real.

Weiss: Okay! You just made it worse!

Shadow: Okay, everyone enough!

Shadow said, for everyone to stay silent.

Shadow: Now, is everyone ready?

He ask.

Everyone nods.

Shadow: Good. Then allow me to explain to you.... on how I got these scars on my arm.... from a Pizzeria.....

Shadow said as he began to explain and tell the real-life tale on how he got that scar from just a Pizzeria.

To be Continued....

Chapter 1 (Day 1) begins at the next Page....

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