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No one's POV,

"Greninja is unable to battle, Calem is the winner", the referee shouted. This is the Kalos league which is going on. Ash and Calem were the finalists. Ash was using Greninja while Calem was using Yveltal.

"There you have it folks, our new Kalos league champion, Calem Xavier", the MC shouted in his Mic. The whole stadium erupted into cheers, shouts and whatnot. Calem was waving his hand to the audience while on the other side, a raven-haired boy, on his knees, tears were dripping from his cheek.

"This is the seventh lost of Ash Ketchum", the MC shouted while Calem was smirking and the audience was laughing at him.

(Ash had already travelled Alola region before travelling to Kalos. Also, Ash had not won the Alola league. Ash's Alola gang is in Kalos to see Ash's Kalos league)

Soon the audience started booing him because a rumour had spread where it was said that Ash had used power-enhancing drugs to achieve that form. He stood from his place and walks away while carrying Pikachu and Greninja.

"Why it is always me who loses the league", he mumbled to himself. Tears were still falling from his eyes. He then silently walks out of the stadium. Everyone is still shouting his name saying bad things about him.

Serena POV,

I ran out of the stadium to find Ash. I just saw him walking out of the stadium. I was very sad about his loss. I just can't see him like this. I then saw him walking towards the Pokemon Center. I was about to reach him when a hand stopped me. I looked at the owner of the hand to see my mentor Palermo.

"Where are you thinking you are going Serena", Palermo frownly asked me. I didn't understand what was that frown for.

"I am going to Ash to comfort him. He is depressed from his loss. I just can't see him like this", I replied. I can see her facial expression vanish.

"Serena, why do you even care for that loser? He is just a waste of time. You should be hanging with my son or the new champion. It will be good for your reputation also. I have seen you with my son asking you for being his girlfriend then why did you reject him?", Palermo said. I was shocked as hell. That idiot, arrogant asshole is Palermo's son. I can't believe it.

"Calem is your son!!!", I shouted shocked. She nodded. My eyes widen but soon I realized what Palermo told me. I was about to say something when Palermo said.

"So I want you to date my son", Palermo said. I was extremely shocked and angry.

"Never, I will never leave Ash", I said angrily.

"Leave him, Serena. Calem is much better than him. You can't allow some loser to get into your life and destroy it. You are beautiful, elegant, and talented. If you go into the public, you will see how many people will come to you just for asking you out. Just leave him, Serena. Say your goodbye to that loser and go to Calem. You will be a perfect girl whom he can enjoy", Palermo said smiling as he will listen to her. Now I had enough of this old hag. How dare she said those bad things about my Ash. I hated shouting at her face.

"I WILL NEVER DATE A PLAYBOY LIKE HIM PALERMO. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE WITH GIRLS AND YOU ARE TELLING ME TO DATE HIM. PALERMO I RESPECT YOU THAT DOESN'T MEANS I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WILL SAY!!!", I shouted into Palermo's face, extremely angrily. I didn't like this woman from the first only. Now I don't have a single bit of respect also for her. She had lost all her respect as soon as she said those things to me. No one could say bad things to my Ash in front of me.

Suddenly Palermo pinned me against the wall and smirked evilly. Then Palermo tightened her grip as I screeched from pain.

"Listen you bitch, do as I say whether you like it or not. You have no other choice or else...", Palermo said to me. I just looked at her. Then said.

"Or else what will you do", I said. She will be not able to do anything to Ash.

"Don't forget Serena, my son has Yveltal. He will kill Ash and his Pokemon. His Pokemon are also too weak at this moment because of today's battle. He will turn them into stones and break those stones into pieces so he will not be able to recover. And all these he will do with no mercy at all", Palermo said as she realized me. I fall to my knees, not knowing what to do. My head was hung down low, thinking about only Ash. Tears were dripping from my eyes.

"You have no other choice except to do what I am saying", Palermo said smirking. I don't have any other Choice. I don't want to live with that asshole but I have to do it for Ash's safety.

"P-Please, I-I beg you. Leave him. I will do whatever you said", I said to Palermo between my sobs. I can't lose Ash. I am fearing if I ever lose Ash.

(But she didn't know that Ash had defeated many legendary before. He can easily handle other Legendaries)

"I told you, Serena, you will do
whatever I said whether you like it or not. So you are ready for the deal", Palermo said as she begin laughing evilly again.

"If it's for Ash's safety then I'll do whatever it takes. Just I want to live with Ash. And for that, I can do anything", I thought as I looked at Palermo. I saw her smirking evilly. I then slowly nodded.

"Good girl. The deal is plain simple, you have to be my Son's Girlfriend until he gets bored of you", Palermo said. I don't want to be anyone's Girlfriend except for Ash but I have no choice here.

"I-I accept", I finally said while
crying. I was just thinking about Ash's safety.

"And yes if you try to escape after this I will take away your title of kalos queen, and you will leave homeless with no money. I will pull you down to the streets. I will make you a beggar and humiliate you in front of whole kalos. Mind that", Palermo said. I was constantly crying from what she told me. Just why. Is it only me to get this pain or someone else also? I think I have the worst luck in the world.

"W-Why are-e you doing this to m-me", I said between sniffs.

"It's none of your business! Now go to Ash and say this thing to him '............................' Do this much and then I'll tell the next", Palermo told the whole plan. My eyes widen in horror. How will I do this to him? He is the reason I am alive. I-I can't do this to Ash.

"No, I can't do this. He will be deeply hurt. I can't see him in that condition", I told her. Her face changed into anger.

"If you won't, I'll call Calem. I swear he won't even show some sympathy towards him and kill him. Not only him but also his Pokemon. He won't be even suspected because he is the Champion. He is also the son of Lysander, leader of team Flare", Palermo said as I became shocked again. Calem is the son of Lysander which means Palermo is Lysander's husband. Palermo looked at Serena's red teary eyed shocked face.

(In this story, Ash only defeated the organizations but not killed the leaders. So in the later story, those leaders will make their organizations once more but Ash will not do the same mistake and will kill every one of the organizations)

"Yes I am Lysander's husband as well as Team Flare's Vice leader and Calem is the top Commander of Team Flare. But no one knows about it. Oh, if you try to tell this information to anyone, you know what will happen. So now you will go or not?", She asked me with irritation. I didn't answer while tears were again dripping from my eyes. Palermo then takes out her phone from her pocket and started dialling a number which may be Calem's phone number.

"NO STOP PLEASE! I'll do it as you said", I somehow said. With that, I stood, wiped the tears from my eyes and put on a fake smile. I can lose him but not get killed. I know he will hate me after this but I want to see him alive at any cost. I have to do it for being Ash alive.

'Sorry Ash', I thought while mentally crying.

To Be Continued...

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