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At Rota Kingdom, With Ash,

Ash has become the champion of all regions except Kalos, having triumphed in every league, including the one in Kalos, though in the name of Aaron Satoshi. All his trophies and badges are proudly displayed in his bedroom. While Ash has defeated all the evil organizations except Team Flare, his focus remained on the leagues. But no one have any idea who is the one who has done such a great and honorable job. All the people believes it is the Champion Aaron Satoshi, which is true and understandable because he just come, finishes off his matches and go, giving a mysterious aura from him, but no one knows he has only defeated the teams.

However, he uncovered a top secret in Kalos: the Kalos champion, Calem Xavier, is the son of Lysandre and the Supreme Commander of Team Flare. Ash has returned to the Rota Kingdom, where Red and Leaf have been crowned King and Queen after being rescued from years of captivity. The people of Rota rejoice at the return of their long-lost royalty. Nevertheless, Aaron Satoshi remains the Prince of Rota, as the world believes Ash Ketchum is dead, and the King and Queen are thought to have no children.

Right now Ash is sitting on the balcony adjacent to his room, Pikachu perched on his head and Lucario by his side, both gazing out toward the horizon. As far as his eyes could see, there was a breathtaking expanse of forest, grasslands, and agricultural lands, the lifeblood of the people living in the kingdom of Rota. He watched as Pokémon helped the villagers with their daily tasks, while children played joyfully with their Pokémon companions. A smile spread across Ash's face at the picturesque scene, but then a tingling feeling stirred within him—Serena. He hadn't seen her anywhere during his visit to Kalos. With a thoughtful look, he turned his head towards Lucario.

"Lucario," Ash began, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of nervousness, "have you ever fallen in love?" The question was posed through Aura, a method of communication they shared, allowing for a deeper, more intimate exchange.

Lucario's eyes widened in surprise. He had not expected such a question. He paused for a moment, considering his response. "No, I haven't Master," Lucario replied, his tone sincere and calm. Despite his composed exterior, Lucario was aware of the underlying reason for Ash's question. Pikachu had already informed him about Ash's recent contemplations regarding love and relationships.

The silence between them stretched out, comfortable yet filled with unspoken thoughts. Suddenly, the serene atmosphere was interrupted by a loud yet gentle cooing sound. Lucario and Pikachu instantly went on alert, their senses heightened as they scanned the surroundings for any potential threat.

Ash, however, remained calm. He spotted a small, familiar figure approaching— a Pidgey flying gracefully towards them. With a gentle smile, Ash extended his hand. The Pidgey landed effortlessly on his outstretched palm, its soft feathers ruffling slightly in the breeze. In its beak, it held a small, neatly folded letter.

"Hey there, little one," Ash said softly, gently taking the letter from the Pidgey's beak. With a smile, he focused for a moment, and using his aura powers, materialized a delicate macaroon in his hand. He offered it to the Pidgey, who chirped happily and eagerly pecked at the treat.

"Enjoy, buddy," Ash murmured as he watched the Pidgey nibble away, clearly delighted. Pikachu and Lucario moved closer, curious about the letter.

The Pidgey finished its macaroon, looking up at Ash with a contented expression. It cooed softly, almost as if it was thanking him, before taking off into the sky, heading back in the direction from which it had come.

Ash unfolded the letter, his fingers smoothing out the creases. He glanced at Pikachu and Lucario, who were eagerly waiting. "Let's see what this is about," Ash said, and began to read the letter aloud, making sure his friends could hear every word.

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