Chapter- 13

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No one's POV, one month later,

Ash had been training very hard with the bike, which he had bought under his control. Now he can use it like it's nothing for him. With the combined powers, his powers are currently unimaginable. Someone beating him is next to impossible now.

He has passed one month and will leave the kingdom today. His bag is ready, and he stands with Queen Ilene outside the castle.

"So Aunt, I am ready. May I go," Ash asked. He is sad to leave the kingdom, but it is his destiny.

"Sure, Ash, you have to complete your journey also", Queen Ilene said.

"Ok, Aunt Ilene", Ash said as he hugged Queen Ilene. Then after breaking the hug, he walked a few steps forward. After stopping, he put one hand up, and black electricity started to crackle in his hands. Suddenly, a beam of black energy emerged from his hand, which went straight into the sky. In a few seconds, the next beam returned from the sky and hit the earth, just in front of Ash. There was a big area for a pool-like thing covered with black energy. From that, Imperial X emerged. Ash soon as it appeared, the black energy dissipated.

Ash sat on his bike. Many officials and Queen Ilene were standing behind them. Ash bade goodbye to them, and they also returned the goodbye. Ash then started to pedal, and just in a few seconds, he reached a speed of 100 km per hour. (Because Imperial X has a unique mechanism in it, which differentiates it from a normal MTB) As soon as Ash came out of the central Kingdom gate, he shouted,

"Imperial X, let's go, back force Jump!" Ash shouted while Imperial X got covered with white energy. BOOM, Imperial X took off from the land, leaving behind a not-so-big crater. All the officials and Queen Ilene were surprised to see it jump.

"Go, Ash, complete your journey and show the world what power a Ketchum possesses", Queen Ilene thought and smiled to herself, unnoticed by everyone.

With Ash, 5 minutes later,

Due to Imperial X being a particular bike, it was moving at a speed more than the speed of a high-speed jet. Now Ash is moving with that speed only.

5 minutes later,

Ash had reached the Indigo Plateahadwhere he registered for Kanto League. All the badges he has earned will not work now, as they are expired. He has to make them again, so it will take him one month to collect badges and then one month to complete the league and challenge for the Championship to get the title of Champion.

Two months later,

He had already won the Kanto league with ease and had also defeated the Kanto Champion Lance. He is now in Johto, where he has to collect badges and apply for the Johto League.

Two months Later,

We can see Ash is now in the Johto League and his last battle of the league. He is battling a Girl named Allen, whose last Pokemon is Scizor, and Ash's last is Dragonite.

"Scizor uses Fury cutter", Allen said.

"Dragonite uses Flame Thrower", Ash said. Both the moves clashed, causing a blast in the centre. When the smoke disappeared, we could see both Pokemon's still standing.

At the VIP seat,

In the VIP seat, three people are sitting and looking at the match. They are Mr Goodshow, Lance and The Johto Champion Blue Oak. They are discussing Aaron or our Ash.

"I am shocked to see how strong he is. Like he thrashed me when he was battling for the Kanto Championship. No one was ever able to come near to defeating me, but he came out of nowhere and threw me away from my position", Lance explained while thinking about Aaron.

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