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The aftermath of Fusion's attack was chaos. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of burnt metal. Shattered glass and debris lay strewn across the ground, the remnants of once sturdy walls now reduced to rubble. Amongst this devastation, Ash and Maria found each other after so many years apart. Tears mingled with the dirt on their faces as they embraced tightly.

Ash pulled back slightly, looking into Maria's eyes. "Maria, I never knew that I even have a sister. But I am happy that you are alive. You have no idea what I've been through. I was betrayed by people I thought were friends. Only a few know who I really am now."

Maria's eyes hardened with determination as she gripped his shoulders. "We'll get through this, Ash. We have to save Mom and Dad. Whatever it takes."

Ash nodded, his expression resolute. "I promise you, Maria. I won't stop until they're safe."

They turned together, ready to face whatever came next. As they ran towards another opening, five grunts of Team Rocket blocked their path, their expressions smug and confident.

Outside the headquarter,

Mr. Goodshow, Lance, and Blue watched the headquarters from a safe distance. The sudden blast had taken them by surprise, and they stared in shock as a massive mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Mr. Goodshow was the first to break the silence, his voice trembling. "What in the world happened? That blast was enormous!"

Lance's eyes narrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation. "It must be something massive. But what could cause such destruction?"

Blue shook his head, frustration evident on his face. "We need to find out what's going on inside. We can't just stand here while our friends are in danger."

Mr. Goodshow nodded, regaining his composure. "But we have no other choice but to listen to Ash. He had said us not to interfere between his works."

As the three continued to discuss what is to be done, the enormity of the task ahead weighed heavily on them. But they knew they had to act accordingly to what Ash have said.

With Ash and Maria,

In the dimly lit hall, Ash and Maria found themselves surrounded by five menacing figures, each armed with a different weapon. The air crackled with tension as the grunts smirked confidently, blocking the only exit, a door at the far end of the hall. Ash, his face concealed behind a mask, made a silent vow not to resort to his spear, opting instead for hand-to-hand combat.

With a nod to Maria, Ash positioned himself in the center, ready to take on the attackers. Maria stood back, her eyes darting between Ash and their assailants, ready to assist if needed.

The tension broke as the first grunt lunged forward, swinging a heavy club. Ash dodged the blow with fluid grace, countering with a swift strike to the assailant's midsection. As the other grunts closed in, Ash moved with calculated precision, deflecting blows and landing precise strikes of his own.

Despite their numbers, the grunts struggled to land a hit on Ash, his movements a blur of skill and determination. With each opponent he dispatched, Ash edged closer to the door, his focus unwavering.

Meanwhile, Maria remained vigilant, offering support where she could without interfering with Ash's rhythm. As the final grunt fell, defeated, Ash turned to Maria, a silent exchange of relief passing between them before they hurried towards the door, eager to escape the confines of the hall and continue their way.

Ash's fist collided with the door, shattering it into fragments. But what he beheld on the other side was beyond his imagination. A middle-aged man and a woman, seated calmly on chairs, faced a menacing figure holding a gun. Maria, equally stunned, stood frozen beside him.

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