Chapter 47

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After the feast, I return to the hospital wing. Ginny was laying in a bed, fast asleep. Madam Pomfrey walks up to me. 
"Professor Dumbledore wishes for me to monitor your sleeping tonight." I nod and she shows me a bed. She gives me some pjs and I change quickly. 
"If you need anything, just tell me. I'll be right here." I nod and lay down on my side. It takes me a while to actually fall asleep. 

Once I fall asleep, I shoot up to see Fabian and Gideon at the end of my bed. 
"You did it!" they both shout, "You did it!" They hug me and squeezes me tightly. They help me get up and over to Regulus. The Mandrake juice is laying besides him. 
"We made a mess trying to do it ourselves," Gideon says, sheepishly, "Maybe you can do it." I pick up the bowl and tip it to Regulus's lips. It goes down his throat and we wait. His arm starts to move and his sleeve rolls up. A tattoo peaks from underneath it. My curious hand reaches out to touch it and Regulus sits straight up. My fingers brush the tattoo and Regulus pulls his arm from me. 
"Marigold? Goldie!" I fall softly on Regulus's lap. 

"M-my lord! Our plan has been foiled." 
"Quiet, Lucius. You worry far to much. Since you were unable to complete this simple task, I will ask my most loyal follower."  
"My l-lord... I beg you. I will, please. Give me another chance!"
"Go, Lucius. I must speak to him." 
"Wormtail!"  A squeaky voice calls out to reply to him. 
"My lord! The rumors are true! You have beaten death!" 
"Wormtail, I have a job for you." 
"My lord, I'm in Azk-." 
"No matter, you'll find a way out. Now, I want you to take care of some people for me.." 
"Of-of c-course, my lord. Who?" 
"They have gotten in my way far to many times... you're the best person for this task. They'll be at Hogwarts, just get out of Azkaban first." 
"Who, my lord?" 
"Harry and Marigold Potter." 

I gasp, shooting back to myself. Madam Pomfrey is standing over me. I put my hands over my mouth as bile rises into my throat. I spin around, trying to find a bin. I grasp one and spit into it. My hands were back to shaking and tears falling to my cheeks. 
"Alright," Madam Pomfrey says, rubbing my back, "You're safe, Marigold. Why don't I make you a sleep potion?" 
"N-no... I'm fine. Just remembered something that happened." Madam Pomfrey did not look convinced. 
"You just... I'll go get it. If you're asleep when I get back I'll just let you sleep, alright?" I lay back down and close my eyes, trying to forget the voices. 

Fabian and Gideon are back to my side. 
"Regulus, she's fine!" Regulus's head pops up from besides my bed. I giggle at him, his hair sticking from all different ways. 
"What the hell was that? What have you been up to?" I sit up a little and Regulus sits on my bed. 
"You've missed quite a lot, Reg. First, when we came back from break we couldn't find you. Hermione, Ara, and I continued our search in the library. Hermione got petrified, but she found out what the beast was. I talked to Tom Riddle. Harry and Ron brought me Hermione's note and we deciphered it. The Chamber of Secrets is located in Myrtle's bathroom. You have to be a parseltongue to get in it. I went to the bathroom to investigate and got taken. Harry saved Ginny and I and now we're here." 
"You got taken?" Regulus asks, "like by the monster?" 
"Yeah... and Tom Riddle was really the one who was opening it!" 
"Like Voldemort?" 
"Wait, wait, wait," Fabian says, "You said you talked to him..." I nod slowly watching Regulus's emotions. His face scrunches up in anger. 
"Did he do anything to you?" 
"Not that time." 
"You met him twice?
"In the Chamber of Secrets." 
"What did he do?" I lift my head, revealing the large bruise on my chin. Then I point to my stitch up across my face. 
"Merlin's beard!" Regulus shouts. He traces the cut softly with his fingers. I wince, as he gets close to my chin. 
"Does that hurt?" I nod, slowly, not looking at him. 
"Goldie, please look at me," he whispers, "Madam Pomfrey tried to heal it didn't she?" 
"Y-yes," I whimper, "it's okay, Reg.. she'll said that it will heal by itself." Regulus frowns.
"Can we go on a walk?" I ask, "Please, I-i.. need to get out and walk around." Regulus nods and we walk to the common room. Ara is pacing in the common room with Hermione and Heather trying to comfort her. 
"Why aren't Ginny and Goldie back?" 
"They're probably spending the night in the hospital wing, Ara," Hermione says, "Please.. I'm sure they're fine." 
"But they were just in the Chamber of Secrets.." 
"That's probably why they're in the hospital wing." Heather says, "but we need to get some sleep, okay?" Ara nods. 
"She cares deeply for you," Regulus tells me, "Her name.. Ara is it?" 
"Yep," I reply, "My best friend." Regulus stares at her and smiles. 
"What's her last name..." I look to him. 
"A Malfoy in Gryffindor?" he chuckles, "Lucius must be livid." 
"Y-yeah," I stutter out, "she.. she's living at my house now, because of it." Regulus nods, sadly. 
"I see. He really is upset." 
"My parents love having her at the house," I whisper, "she's more like the both of them then I am." Regulus pats my back. 
"Don't get me wrong.. I love her and having her around. She's just more, I don't know. She's kinda like Sirius, in all honesty. And Ginny, she's like Dad. I'm not sure where I fit in sometimes. I can't figure out if it's my mind or if it's actually happening."
"Where did this all come from?" 
"I-i don't know. Maybe it's because I might be skipping a year, and since they aren't I'm scared that I'll lose them. It's stupid, honestly, I shouldn't have brought it up."
"You're skipping a year?" 
"I might be," I say, "I have to pass the second year exams first." Regulus hugs me and spins me around. 
"Don't you see who you are?" he asks, "You're so smart.. if you think your friend group has to be like the Marauders, which it does not! You're obviously Remus!" I giggle. 
"Okay," I say, "thank you, Regulus." 
"Let's get you back to bed." He smiles as we walk back to the hospital wing. 

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