Living the Dream 🍋

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"Kacchan!" Deku called out before slamming into me, his arms around me, his face snuggling into my neck, his sweet mocha scent invaded my nose as I stood there frozen in shock.

What the hell is happening right now? Deku has been missing for hours and here he is acting like nothing happened at all?

"What the fuck? Where the hell have you been?" I demanded, I would be shouting or screaming like usual but he is snuggling so close it is really hard to even raise my voice a little. I tried to pry him off of me but he started giggling making me freeze up again.

"Sorry Kacchan, I should have texted or called. This lady appeared out of nowhere and started telling me all about her quirk, it took forever for me to realize that I was tied up. Like how did that even happen?" He answered but kept giggling like what he just said was completely normal.

"Who knows how they found out about my 'quirk' this time," he let me go only long enough to do air quotes around the word quirk and the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach was growing. He didn't seem to notice how surprised I was and continued talking. "I know I'm a deku for not paying closer attention to my surroundings but please forgive me? At least this time I didn't get hurt?" He pleaded looking up with his large puppy dog eyes.

How am I supposed to answer this? Why is he still hugging me? Why did he hug me to start with? I know we have been doing better, hell just this morning we were laughing together during training but I think the last time he hugged me was when we were 4, before he found out he was quirkless.

Aizawa Sensei must have also noticed the extremely different way he was treating me because he stepped forward to ask, "And what's going on here?" Like he doesn't actually know how red faced and confused I am at the moment.

"Oh! You are Eraserhead, I'm a big fan but Kacchan won't get me your autograph. He says I can ask in person but for some reason I don't have my autograph book with me!" Deku whined and if I was confused before I'm starting to panic now.

"Deku, what school do you go to?" I tried to stay calm but the way Deku's smile turned to me told me that he thought I was joking.

"Kacchan, I tested out already so that I could get a job to help mom out, remember? Sometimes I think you train too hard with how you'll forget the simplest things," he giggled as if he heard the funniest joke ever.

"Oh! You're still working aren't you? I'm sorry I lost track of time and wasn't thinking. I hope I didn't embarrass you?" He looked like he was panicking, he let me go and stepped away still trying to apologize but he was looking down or glancing at Aizawa Sensei so he couldn't see the look of horror on my face.

Our teacher did though so he cleared his throat grabbing Deku's attention, "The lady you mentioned, have you ever seen her before?" He managed to get several answers and we were able to figure out roughly where she was now so that I could DESTROY her. I'm not going to kill her, she is simply going to unborn herself by the time I'm done with her. I'm sure she'll figure out a way to never be born with enough convincing.

"So who are you to Dynamight here?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I swear I was ready to turn my rage on him when Deku stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Kacchan is my fiance! We're supposed to get married right after he graduates in a couple months," Deku beamed his radiant smile and I choked in surprise. Choking on fucking air? I'm going to fucking die.


Deku stepped forward again wrapping his arms around my now petrified body. His giggles filled the air again before he relaxed against me and I slowly put my hands on his shoulders which only seemed to make him happier. I gave up, I looked at our teacher ready to beg for this to end only to see him just as shocked with his resting bitch face currently wide eyed and open mouthed. Yeah, he's not going to be much help.

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