Not Okay

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A/N angst warning. Sorry. 🍃

Bakugo's POV
I'm running through the back alleyways looking for any sign of them. Some new villain group popped up not too long ago, ever since we took down the LOV a new one seems to sprout every other week and this week was no different. I see a flash of blue light around the corner and when I get there I see some shark looking extra, great white shark. Why can't this ever be easy? The LOV was a cake walk compared to most of these new groups, these ones just like to murder and cause general mayhem wherever they go, no supposed moral message bullshit.

I study the guy and find him fiddling with a bag and see the little bags of blue powder that have popped up on the streets recently and I just want to curse the world. That shit gets everywhere and if one of those flimsy baggies break I'll be higher than a fucking kite for the next week.

I send my coordinates to HQ and the few details that I have. I manage to take a shitty ass picture and send it with my gps coordinates. At least I won't be left out in the open if I do get caught in the shit. It has a nasty side effect of it boosting the person's quirk too only to make them extremely weak after the fact. Most people pass out.

I just want to go home. Is that really too much to ask for? I could practically see Deku smiling at me from next door, offering to go grocery shopping if I cook for him too. I could see the bottle of red wine on the table as I finally got the nerve to kiss him and I could almost feel him pinning me down to kiss me back. Hopefully.

But instead I'm stuck in this shitty alleyway for the third night in a fucking row this week. Time to get this shit on the road. I take a deep breath and click on a single eraser cuff to try and help whomever showed up, it won't completely erase my quirk about 70% of it but with the boost from the drug at least I shouldn't kill anyone this way. I ran out trying to sneak up behind him only for him to turn around and throw a baggie straight at me, it burst open when it hit me sending a cloud of blue smoke surrounding me and the last real thing I saw was the bastard running away.

Swirling blue dust turned into rain, somehow I was on top of a mountain and then the bottom of the sea in less time than a blink of an eye. I looked around clenching my hands trying not to let my explosions off no matter what but it's so hard with birds squawking right in my face that hadn't been there before or a fish that tries to swallow me whole. The craziest things I saw were the things that could have been real while the funnest were completely imaginary. Like the broccoli that was dancing to the macarena and the rock trying to swallow the sea. I could feel tears streaming down my face and screams tear through my throat when a shark or dragon came at me and I was so emotionally drained that by the time the world stopped spinning all I could do was look at the lights above me. Am I still being stabbed by knives?

"No more," I croaked out, begging for it all to end. My head hurts so badly, my skin and scalp itches everywhere and I generally feel disgusting but the mix of bells and screams had finally stopped ringing in my ears and I could feel tears dripping down my face again. Let it be over, please just let it be over.

I close my eyes again and fall asleep.


"Kacchan? Are you going to wake up today?" I hear Deku ask from somewhere nearby and when I open my eyes I see the crying broccoli next to me, only it's really him this time.

"I will never eat broccoli again," I shuddered in horror as the far too recent memories invaded my mind of the bleeding vegetable. The fact that my voice was barely audible didn't seem to matter because he jumped the moment I said anything at all.

"Let me go get the doctor," he called before running out of the room and I can see that I'm in a hospital room but nothing seems real either. Where I know things should be straight and hard were wavey and I don't know. Fluid?

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