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Deku's POV

"Get the fuck off of me!" I turn around to see Kacchan trying to shake off a villain with cat ears. "Ah! FUCK!" He screamed when he managed to shake her loose only for her to scratch his arm.

I run over and instead of him yelling at me for being too slow or to go away he just turns back to the villain. When everything was finally over we returned to the school only for Recovery Girl to sigh when she saw the scratch on his arm. When she was done bandaging him she turned to me and I just shrugged.

"I'm just here to be checked over, I don't think I was all that hurt, maybe a couple bruises?" She then tested me for if I was under the effects of a quirk which came back negative. Why am I the only one that gets checked like this?

I'm still pouting when Kacchan starts chuckling, "Nerd." I look up but I quickly freeze when I see him licking his hand. He had already changed into his street clothes and started rubbing at his ear, which he now seemed to have two sets of.

"Ka-ka- Kacchan?" I stuttered and Recovery Girl looked up from her computer and let out a groan.

"Now I have to test you both every time you come back from patrols?" I hear her muttering before she takes a new needle and pokes a finger that Kacchan had stretched out from licking his wrist.

"Ow, fuck what was that for? Rahhh sksksksk!" Kacchan hissed at the end with his cat ears folded back, making both Recovery Girl and I freeze.

"This is going to be a long day," I heard Recovery Girl sigh before testing the blood sample she took. "Well good news and bad news. This quirk is in the computer already. He will slowly turn more cat-like the more aggressive he is but if he relaxes and opens up he will be more human. Bad news, this is Bakugo we are talking about. The quirk will last until he is either all cat or all human."

"But-!" I started to panic but she just shook her head.

"There is no other way around it. I'll inform those that need to know," she walked away and I heard as she called Aunty but Kacchan was acting like he didn't hear at all. Still giving his ear a cat bath.

Now that I think about it, we are gross. He can't possibly clean himself like a cat! That could harm him! I steel myself and gently pull him with me to the gym locker room. It was fine until I turned on the showerhead and Kacchan started fighting me to get away from the spraying water. When did he get claws? He was hissing and cursing me, mini explosions going off all the while, my suit is now ripped up to shreds from his claws and once I was sure he was clean I had to clean not only myself but carefully disinfect my wounds.

Once we were both dressed again we went back to Recovery Girl's office and she took one look at me and guessed what happened. The fact that Kacchan now has a tail didn't go unnoticed either. She let out a sigh and took another blood sample from me to test before she healed me again.

"Good news, it's not contagious," she sighed before pulling up something on her computer again. "Try not to aggravate him, it would be best if he wasn't turned into a cat." Why is this my fault?

I just nod letting out a groan as I do before we turn to leave, Kacchan snickering at me as we walk. His soft smile was actually reaching his eyes and I can't help staring at the beautiful rubies as they glistened from the streetlights.

When we got back to the dorms everyone was already in bed and I started going to my room as well. It's not like I'm in charge of Kacchan or anything. Thankfully.

I unlocked my door only to find that Kacchan was still next to me, yawning. "I'm staying here tonight," he yawned, stretching before walking inside. It's the first thing I've heard him say since the fight earlier tonight. I can't help being relieved and just follow him. If he wants to stay here fine. It's time for bed so it's not like he'll turn into a cat while we are sleeping. We were comfortable and I was already in bed when Kacchan got frustrated with the futon and jumped up on my bed too... On all fours, crawled under the covers, and pressed against my side.

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