Hero Court

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A/N Kind of depressing but I think this one helps bring a bit of peace in the end. Remember my heroes, abuse is abuse is abuse! You are important and anyone who says otherwise obviously doesn't have your best interest at heart. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe season! 💃🏻

Deku's POV
My alarm went off and I groaned a little before turning it off. I have an early shift today. I turn over, the soft moonlight streaming from the window illuminating Kacchan's still sleeping form, peaceful, I give a small smile. I reach over and give him a small kiss on the cheek before getting up to leave.

We had been assigned to a big city temporarily because of unusual villain activity and we're helping a local hero agency so we have been staying in a small apartment and it looks like we will be staying for another month at least.

I quickly make some breakfast, covering Kacchan's portion before eating my own. Once I have my suit on and ready to go, I leave my face mask off before returning to the bedroom.

Kacchan is still sleeping but now he has rolled over to my side of the bed. I quietly walk over and give him another kiss, this time letting him wake up a little bit. "I'm going to work now, I'll see you soon," I whispered and he slowly blinked up at me before nodding slowly, he stretched a little bit and gave me a real kiss on the lips.

"See you soon, Nerd," he smiled sleepily and added, "Kick some ass." I giggled a little before kissing him again and walking out of the room, I put my facemask around my neck and my red shoes on before walking out into the hall, locking our door behind me.

Sometimes like now there will be people out in the halls, either coming home from work or, like me, going to work. Most of them have gotten used to the fact that Japan's number 1 and 2 heroes were staying here but it was pretty common knowledge that our apartment was a three bedroom so most never thought much of us staying together. The fact that we were married was also unknown and I don't really understand why that is. We certainly don't hide our relationship, we often have lunch together during work hours and we go out on dates during our off time.

I shake the thought out of my head, I run into headquarters and clock in getting my assigned area for the week, knowing that even though Kacchan and I won't be in the same area that he will still be close enough for us to have lunch together.

But as usual with a new area I need to scout around and get comfortable. I run off and climb the roofs of the low buildings and run around, getting a feel for the area. Once I'm comfortable I take a short break and send a text to the hero who is supposed to be my partner for the day telling him or her where I am.

The name I was given was, Dragon. I looked up their information to find that their quirk was pretty straight forward, he can breath fire, just like my dad ironically enough. The thought stopped me in my tracks, and I looked up into the sky. The lights from the city coupled with the first rays of the early sun made it impossible to see the stars.

"I wonder if I made you proud, wherever you are," I whispered but I heard a cough behind me and I just let out a sigh. Unlike what most people thought, my dad didn't leave because I was quirkless. No, he left when I was three because he found another lover, which makes him an ass but Mom didn't hold it against him. As a result my dad and I don't really have any kind of relationship, not even a bad one. I think that they were only together at all because of me and that hurts. Mom never really took an interest in anyone after him, not even All Might, she turned him down whenever he tried to ask her out on a date but he still hasn't given up on her yet.

Maybe my dad just broke her trust in men? I mean she loves me but when Kacchan and I got married I very clearly heard her threaten to dismember him alive if he ever cheated on me. I was talking with All Might a little ways away and I think that is why he hasn't given up on her yet.

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