4/20 Dolls 🍋

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A/N Happy Birthday Kacchan! 💖

Bakugo's POV
Today has just been rotten! It's like the universe is telling me that I shouldn't have gotten out of bed at all today. First of all my alarm clock didn't even go off this morning, that should have been my first clue, so I was late to class. Go figure but shit happens so whatever, then things went further south when Aizawa Sensei assigned projects and now I have to write a report on tectonic plates with Deku. Why is this even important anymore? Our last year off school? How is this important now? Just why?

Then things went like normal for a little while, I set off several explosions while Deku proceeded to irritate the hell out of me. Does he really think that I don't already know the basics of our assignment? Why is he still trying to split the work when it would be easier to just do it together? My head is killing me and then lunch, finally a break. NOT! I tripped out the door and found my shoelaces had broken. How in the fuck does that actually happen? It's not even an old pair of shoes, I've had them for a month! ONE MONTH!

"Bakubro are you okay?" Kiri asked and I couldn't help my hands fizzling and sparking as I tried to control my frustrations and get up without burning myself. Newsflash! I failed, now my knee hurts like hell and it just happens to be the same one I landed on in the first place. If I set off an explosion now I could actually hurt somebody. Deep breaths! I can do this! I just need to stay silent, that's all. I turned away from Kiri and just walked to the cafeteria only for a first year who wasn't paying attention where he was going, walked right into me, making both of our trays of chicken alfredo land on me when I fell down, thanks to the shoe without working laces. The kid, who didn't get a drop on himself, tried to apologize at first until he realized who he walked into, then he lost all the color in his face and ran for it. No apology, he squealed sounding like a fucking pig the whole way too.

So no breakfast and no lunch. Just fucking great! I can see my hands smoking but I am still holding myself together, barely but still. Deep breaths, I go to the restroom and try to wash it off but it's just making a larger mess so fuck it all, looks like I'm wearing my gym clothes for the rest of the day!

I walk out of the restroom and YET ANOTHER first year bumps into me but they saw who I was instantly and ran for it. But something was odd, how are they getting so far away so fast? And why do they look so much bigger than before?

I go to get up but I can't move. I try to look around but I can't move my head at all. I could however see the door to the restroom that I just walked out of and somehow it was massive now.


The bell rang but I still couldn't move and I heard more than I saw. I saw several look down and see me but they just looked a little amused not even bothering to stop. SOME HEROES YOU ARE! I tried to scream but nothing was coming out. Just fucking great!

Everyone was huge though, not just the door. If I had to guess that first year probably used their quirk without realizing it. Just great. At least I don't have to force myself to keep my explosions in anymore because I can't use my quirk either!

Deep breaths, One, Two, Three... Sixty. Okay, I'm fine. I'm not actually hurt or anything, it's probably on a timer or something so I just have to wait it out.

What is it that Hound Dog is always telling me? Look at the positives? Okay, positives. I don't have to go back to class and listen as Present Mic blows out my eardrums more today. Right, a small little break won't hurt and it's just English. I am already doing really well and I've read ahead on the assignment anyway. Positives, okay that wasn't so hard. It's not like the quirk will last a long time or anything.

But if it lasted the rest of the day that isn't so bad either. All Might was planning for us to practice writing reports during heroics anyway and I don't need help with that either. Deep breaths, this isn't so bad. If I could close my eyes I could take a nap but even that isn't so bad. Lord knows I don't want anything to do with Midnight's modern art class today, it's not the first time she has tried to get me to pose semi-nude. I can just use this time to practice meditation. I can't use my quirk so it will be easier to relax, I won't keep making myself jump from my body releasing the excess nitroglycerin like usual and maybe I'll find some of that peace everyone is always yapping about.

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