Chapter I

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Once again, thick blood covered his body contrasting the emerald green colour of his hair and eyes. The dark liquid came from deep wounds scattered across his body, but those wounds soon disappeared after only a few minutes. Yet, the blood still remained. He felt horrible. Drained. Sticky. Pain pulsing all over. And adding to those pains, unfortunately, all quirks come with drawbacks. Immortality requires the owner to use energy for the healing process. Not too much however. But, with the amount of wounds Izuku Midoriya had suffered in the last half an hour, it left him physically and mentally drained. His body hurt, despite the fact that most of the wounds have already disappeared. A deep cut on his forehead was still spewing blood, but was slowly closing up. The red substance from the cut made its way down Izuku's face and mixed with the salty tears falling from his eyes.

Now the beating was over, Izuku could let his emotions show. He could sob and cry to all his hearts content. When the boys who beat him up everyday were there, all he had to do was follow what they said and not complain. He wasn't allowed to cry. He wasn't allowed to scream. He wasn't allowed to fight back. If he did so, then they would stay longer and increase the pain Izuku felt. He tried fighting back once; not a good move. Although Izuku trains his hardest as to follow his dream of becoming a Pro Hero, 4 against 1 is not a very fair fight, especially when the loner has only a defensive quirk while all the others, attacking quirks.

All of Izuku's wounds fully healed, but the pain was to remain. Red stains covered the white cotton shirt of his uniform. Slowly beginning to rise to his, Izuku firmly places his left hand against the wall to secure himself. With a few blows to the head this particular beating, Izuku felt nauseous and dizzy. Although, even though Izuku can feel nauseous from certain things, he will never be able to throw up, even if he tries to on command. The reason behind this, being that his quirk allows him to be free from any sort of sickness or illness he may encounter. Izuku is immune to any sorts of diseases, viruses, etc, as well as being able to heal and regenerate from any sort of injury. Sometimes, Izuku wishes that his Immortal quirk had some other factors. For example, not being able to feel pain, or regenerating on command instead of automatically. But that was not the case. Izuku still suffered the full amount of pain given to his body.

Eventually, Izuku manages to keep a steady stance. With his vision blurred, he brings his hands up to reach his eyes and rubs them softly to try and regain normal sight. He blinks a few times before his sight is back to its norm. Step by step, Izuku carefully makes his way to the front of the school. His beating took place where no one ever usually goes; behind the school. No cameras to catch any evidence of Izuku being bullied. He could use the evidence of blood being splattered all around his body, yet all of his wounds would have disappeared by the time he was able to give any evidence. It was the perfect plan for the bullies, but absolute hell for Izuku.

On his wobbly walk home, Izuku began to think what life wouldn't have been like if he didn't have the quirk that he did. If people didn't take advantage of him because of his ruddy quirk and his kind disposition. Izuku was never able to do something that would make others sad or annoyed, even if it meant he was going to be sad in return. His he was just such a kind soul, and sadly, he could be pushed around by others relatively easy. But, it was just how Izuku was. He kept wishing that he would change. That he would be able to say 'no' to something that someone wanted him to do. That he could do things that benefited himself, even if that meant leaving others to fend for themselves. But he couldn't do it, even though he wanted to so badly.

Why can't I stand up to them? Am I just that useless?

Izuku began to ponder the many possibilities if he life went differently.

Would it have been better if I just ended up completely quirkless? Probably not.. Kacchan would have hated me for not having a quirk. What if I had just a small quirk like the telekinesis Mum had? It may have been a small quirk, but it was still something. They wouldn't have been able to beat me a pulp if I had just a weak quirk, because it's still a quirk and the majority of people these days have small quirks.

Izuku kept these thoughts running through his head until he reached his front door. And even by then, his tears hadn't stopped trickling down his face. He had nothing left, but his dream. If Izuku was able to reach his dream, maybe life wouldn't be so bad.

"Hey Mum. I'm home," Izuku called out as he walked through the apartment door. But he didn't get a response. Instead, he just closed the front door and made his way into the almost empty living room. All that was in there, was an orange bean bag to make up for the missing sofa, and a small coffee table with a single photo frame sat on top. Izuku walked over to the coffee table and took the photograph in his hand. He smiled slightly when looking down at it. The picture was of Inko Midoriya, his mother. In the image, she was smiling a happy smile with her eyes shining in the sunlight. It was taken by Izuku himself, when her son treated her by out for her birthday. He missed her. He wished it was himself that died in the car crash instead of her. Every day when coming home from school, he tells his Mother he has returned in hope she is still watching over him. Izuku wants to join her, for he thinks there is nothing worth living for in the world. Instead, he gave himself a goal of becoming a hero. He hoped it would make his Mother proud, and it also helped him think that he actually had some sort of potential.

"I miss you Mum.."

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