Chapter III

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School was interesting that day. Izuku would keep 'accidentally' injuring himself, just to see if anything he did would actually hurt. But nothing did. All he felt was a wave of shock when having a decently bad injury, but after that, it just felt... he just enjoyed it. Izuku couldn't explain what the feeling was, but he liked it. Oh, he was going to have fun after school.


It was now the end of the school day. The bell had rung and the teacher had dismissed the class and left. Most students packed up their belongings and left as well. However, Katsuki and 3 other males stayed behind while Izuku continued sitting still and silently in his seat. His back was straight, his arms were crossed over the desk in front of him and a smile was tugging at his lips, but he hid that.

Katsuki was the first to approach him. He stood over the sitting Izuku who was still looking straight ahead and not anywhere else.

"Oi, look at me," Katsuki growled while cracking his knuckles. He has so much power and he sadly made the wrong choice to abuse it. The others began to join Katsuki, beside and behind Izuku. But he just kept staring straight, waiting for the fun to begin.

"I said LOOK AT ME!" And as Katsuki yelled, he punched Izuku in the face, making him fall off of his chair. He didn't react. He continued staring into thin air.

"Fine then. Have it your way."

The blonde nodded at the other men standing around Izuku. They understood immediately at what they were told to do. They all smirked before the brunette man bent down towards Izuku, grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the ground multiple times. It was obvious that Izuku's nose was broken while it was bleeding, but Izuku didn't care. His jaw may have been dislocated as well. Yet currently, it was the more pain, the better.

The man stopped banging Izuku's face into the floor but kept a hold of his hair. He pulled the green hair, now stained with red, back towards himself so that Izuku was forced to look up at Katsuki, and Katsuki looked pleased. The greenette's face was so bloodied and he hadn't quite healed up yet. But then Katsuki noticed something and his smirk fell into a frown. Izuku was indeed smiling. He looked even more pleased than Katsuki did only a second ago.

His nose twisted back into its original state and his jaw clicked back into place while his quirk did its work. Izuku's smile just became even wider.

"Having fun, Kacchan?" He asked in such a polite tone. Katsuki was too stunned for words at this point, but he soon snapped out of that state and turned to a black haired male who looked quite confused at the current situation.

"You. Give me one," Katsuki ordered. The confusion on the other makes face turned immediately into a grin. While he outstretched his arm. A silver object formed at his wrist. It was a knife. He ripped it out of his skin and handed it to Katsuki. He turned back to see Izuku being kicked all over by the orange haired male. "Stop," was Katsuki's only word to the man before he had one last kick and stepped back.

"Deku." Katsuki walked closer to Izuku whose wounds had already disappeared.

"Kacchan~" Izuku looked up at Katsuki with a pleasant smile on his face. Katsuki hated it.

"I'm gonna wipe that fucking pathetic smile off
of your face." Katsuki crouched in front of the boy covered in blood and threw and explosion at him. Izuku's face was charred and ripped up, but it took almost no time at all for it to clear. And all throughout that, he was still smiling.

"STOP SMILING!" Katsuki yelled as he jabbed the knife into Izuku's right hand that was resting on the floor. The other men froze at the sight of Katsuki so ticked off and Izuku just quietly sitting and smiling through the beating. Even Katsuki had the slightest look of worry on his face when he realised the state Izuku was in. Blood covering almost every inch of his body.


Katsuki looked like he was about to explode with anger. Never had he seen Izuku like this and not be on the verge of tears. It was slightly concerning him, but he didn't let that get in his way. He left go of the knife, leaving it piercing Izuku's flesh so it wouldn't heal. He sent another explosion; this time at Izuku's chest. He coughed a little while he started to bleed, but he didn't react much more than that.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" It was obvious to everyone that Katsuki was extremely p-ssed at this point.

"My problem?" Izuku the dropped his smile, but he only did so to allow himself to pout. But he didn't say anything following that. Instead, he reached for the knife still firmly wedged into his hand. He reached for the handle and quickly pulled it out of his hand, allowing him to lift his hand away from the floor.

"What is, my, problem?" Izuku redirected the knife to point at Katsuki's neck. He swallowed in fright and Izuku watched as his Adams apple moved up and down as he did.

"I think I'm a little messed up~" And the moment Izuku said that, he did something that made Katsuki's eyes widen in pure horror. Instead of slitting Katsuki's neck like he made it seem, he instead stabbed himself. He pushed the knife deep into his abdomen. Izuku spat blood out of his mouth and it landed on Katsuki, but he didn't care at that point. He was horrified at the sight before him. As blood spewed out of his mouth, Izuku opened his eyes wide and he laughed. He laughed as if he was a maniac. Well, that may as well be what he was turning into..

"ISN'T THIS SO MUCH FUN!" Izuku shouted as more blood came gushing out of his mouth. He brought the knife out of his abdomen, only to stab himself again. And again. And again. And again. And again. He just kept laughing and stabbing and laughing and stabbing, until he stopped. He looked disappointed.

"De-Deku-" Izuku removed the knife from his abdomen and stood up straight. He finally had a frown on his face. He handed Katsuki the bloodied knife and smiled once again. Katsuki immediately dropped it in horror.

"You guys wanna see a magic trick?" Izuku stated, smiling so happily.. but Katsuki hated it. It wasn't a smile of joy.. it was because Izuku loved hurting himself.

"N-No don't-" but as Katsuki tried to stop Izuku from doing anything else that was far past crazy, Izuku ran out the room.

"DEKU!" And Katsuki followed. Izuku's abdomen and chest wounds had been healed already, yet he felt like he had more energy, not less. He was running through the corridors and up the stairs, and Katsuki found it slightly hard to keep up with him. He used explosions to boost his speed, but soon realised where Izuku was heading...

The rooftop.

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