Chapter IX

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"Woah woah woah, you expect me to walk into that thing?!" Izuku stared at the purple.. orb thing now floating before him. It opened up only seconds after Dabi had called someone over what seemed to be an earpiece. From the information Izuku managed to gather, he contacted someone with the name 'Kurogiri'. And, also according to Dabi, he was for some reason, important.

"It's a teleporting device made by one of my colleagues. Walk through it and you'll end up somewhere completely different place," Dabi spoke quite bluntly, as if what if he had just said was the most obvious thing in the world. And it was quite obvious to the greenette, but the fact that he would end up somewhere he wouldn't know, is what concerned him.

Izuku wasn't concerned about where he would end up or what would happen, for he was immortal. But the black haired man had already mentioned that his Master, or his boss's Master anyway, was able to steal quirks. The only person that crossed his mind of whom could steal quirks, was the one and only Number 1 Villain, All for One. Who knows what he could and would do just to steal Izuku's quirk. And even though Izuku had changed only slightly, he still has the same mind he always had. Expect instead of muttering his thoughts out loud, he would keep them to himself.

The man Dabi referred to me as 'someone important'. Him and his group, obviously villains, may have made some sort of code name for me when they found out about my quirk. Therefore, if this Kurogiri person was to tell the other villains that I was about to enter the building they all gather in, their Master, possibly All for One, would be able to steal my quirk while the others fight me and keep me occupied. I do want my quirk taken from me, however, I do still want to get my revenge. It would be harder for me to do that without my quirk. Maybe I should try to reason with them.. No. Reasoning with villains would never end well. Even though I am immortal, my body still becomes tired after taking a certain amount of hits and blows. Even though my quirk makes me immune to any injury, it may not protect me against someone stealing it, for that isn't an injury. Then again, when the old woman injected me with that drug, it didn't effect me. That wasn't necessarily an injury, so it may be a chance that my body protects me against even slightly harmful things. Yet, the drug would have been sort of harmful in the sense that it was an unknown substance that would have merged with my blood stream...

Waking Izuku from his many thoughts, there was a snap in front of his face. His eyes focused again and looked at the fingers now retreating away from his face. Dabi had clicked his fingers only inches away from Izuku's face after he got no response from the smaller boy, who was recently lost in his head.

"You coming or what?" Dabi seemed to be becoming impatient, and Izuku wondered if it was he would be keeping his fellow villains waiting.

"How can I tell you're not just going to immediately capture me and steal my quirk?" Izuku crossed his arms in front of his chest and awaited the taller man's response. Maybe he would lie right through his teeth.

"You already said you wanted your quirk stolen, and we would have to wait for our Master to arrive before removing your quirk," Dabi sighed after he spoke. He was obviously slightly annoyed with how Izuku kept questioning him.

"I don't wish for my quirk to be taken yet. You'll have to wait," Izuku took a step closer to the black haired man.

"And that's fine with me. All you have to do it tell my boss you'll let him have your quirk soon." He took a long breath before speaking again. "Now, I'll ask again; are you coming or not?"

Izuku hesitated. He still didn't have any idea what was on the other side of the portal. You couldn't see through it like some portals represented in movies. Izuku sighed before replying.

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