Chapter XI

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"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" Izuku had begun fussing about Dabi's non-existent wound. He had no idea if his quirk had fixed all the internal bleeding and had just made it seem like it disappeared on the outside.

"For the millionth time, it feels fine. Stop fussing over nothing."

Izuku was still the nervous wreck he always was. Even though he lost his smile, lost everyone special to him, and kind of lost his sanity, he would still become anxious when facing someone he cared for being injured even in the slightest. His Mother already passed on, and he had no one to trust or hold onto, so why not find someone new to care for? Especially when they understand you. Understand your pain and your suffering.

Behind the mask of no emotions, the same old Izuku was there. He just needed someone to find it. But that would be hard, considering all he has been through. A smile was able to break through the mask earlier on, but who knows if the same thing would be possible later on in time. This adds to the fact that he can't be hurt anymore. Not physically nor emotionally. He won't let anything get to him. Not anymore.

Izuku took a breather. He calmed his nerves and trusted his quirk. He trusted it enough to jump off a 6 story building, so why not now? Dabi had been feeling fine for the past few minutes and he didn't seem to have any symptoms of blood loss, so all was good. For now.

"You're wearing Dabi-kun's jacket?" The feminine voice spoke up again, making Izuku almost lose his cool. Almost. He turned his back to her and left her without a reply. Dabi replied to the blonde, however.

"I burnt off his clothes," He stated bluntly, as if it wasn't even a big deal. He burnt off the greenette's clothes and saw him nude, all while being in a smokey alleyway. Someone could have walked in to see the two in that 'intimate' moment, but luck was on their side as no one had.

"So he's fucking naked?!" Tomura exclaimed. As surprised as he was, anger took over his facial expressions.

"Can you see his dick?" The blunt voice of the scarred man made a giggle escape Himiko's lips. Izuku frowned and his mood dropped once again after hearing the female happy, despite finding Dabi's remark the slightest bit amusing.

Tomura didn't reply to Dabi's remark full of sass. He wanted to hurry up the process and steal the kid's quirk, however it was becoming irritable that none of them were making it easy for him as they continued finding things to talk, well, argue about.

"Clothes?" Izuku questioned. Being butt naked with only a jacket covering you isn't the most comfortable thing in the world. Bare thighs rubbing together was never a very pleasant feeling.

Dabi nodded once, then brought a hand to his knee as he knelt to support himself to stand. He looked down at Izuku, no emotion visible on his face. It was interesting as to how a man could go from being so happy and playful one moment, then being emotionless the next. Some would say it was a talent, others would think it to be concerning as a trait for a person.

"Yeah, I'll get you some clothes," Dabi paused for a moment and turned to the bar Tomura was sitting in front of. "Kurogiri, a portal to my room?" Dabi spoke to someone who seemed to be just a cloud of purple mist. Something like the portal he had recently ran through.

However, Izuku was surprised when he realised the man was there. He was sure he would have noticed the yellow glowing orbs of eyes on the face - if you could call it that - of the misty man. He was silently cleaning shot glasses with a surprising white cloth. You couldn't see how he was holding either of the items as mist seemed to cover his hands, but it looked like he'd done an excellent job of cleaning the glasses.

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