Chapter XIV

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Neither Izuku or Dabi left the room after their little comfort session. Izuku was given a new change of clothes, and then a place to sleep. And although Dabi was being particularly nice towards Izuku, he still kept his bed and said Izuku could sleep on the couch on the other side of the room. Of course he didn't mind, for he wasn't actually going to sleep. He didn't need to either. He thought it would be much preferred if he proved to the villains that he was worthy, while also getting some revenge on a certain someone. It was a win-win plan.

He first opened the window and cold air flooded throughout the room. The night's air nipped at Izuku's skin allowing fresh breaths of air to be inhaled into his lungs. He had to exit into the cold before Dabi woke up, however, it was quite chilly outside. Despite being immortal, it didn't mean that cold didn't bother him. So, before he left, Izuku decided to raid Dabi's closet some more before going out.

He ended up finding a large black hoodie, almost like a larger version of his own that he had used the night before. Now all he has to do was find a weapon... Dabi's a villain, so he should have something to kill with around his room, right? Himiko sure had some around her at all times, but Izuku wasn't interested in that. He didn't even want to let his mind drift to her being a potential option in any situation, whether that be now, or in any future situation.

He began searching through drawers, cupboards or any place that someone (a villain) might keep their weapons. Izuku was trying to be quiet, but the junk inside Dabi's drawers was making that task quite difficult.

Izuku bent down to the lowest drawer and slid it open. Making him jump, the drawer squeaked as it opened. Izuku halted his movement and whipped his head round to ensure Dabi was still on the bed and fast asleep. To Izuku's relief, the scarred man seemed to be a deep sleeper. His chest rose up and down at a steady pace while his eyes were softly closed together.

Izuku kept looking for a while. Just at the male sleeping peacefully. However, he soon came back to his senses and looked away, almost ashamed of himself for looking at Dabi sleeping. He turned his attention back towards the last drawer, where he found something he would not expect. 'Journal' was written on the front page of a book.

The cover was rough and looked quite old. If Izuku had any guesses, this book would have some information about Dabi's past life. He opened up the first page, and the first thing Izuku noticed was the date. It read 14/06/2111 - that was nearly 8 years ago. Izuku didn't know how old Dabi was, but he assumed he was quite young. He scanned the first page before reading the word 'Endeavour'. But it wasn't being used as a verb; it was capitalised. Of course Izuku would notice that. After seeing that this possibly had something to do with the Number 2 Hero, he had to read some, even if it was just a small amount.

I'm not going to write 'Dear Diary,' because I'm not planning on this being a diary. I want to expose my Father. He's not what everyone thinks. The public just believes him to be a feisty hero, but no. He's a bully. He's horrible. He hurts me and my siblings. He's been training my quirk so much it hurts. My six year old brother Shoto is already having his quirk trained. HE'S SIX FOR GODS SAKE! Endeavour is not a Hero. He abuses me and my youngest brother while he neglects Natsu-nii and Fuyu-nii. I don't like him. Please save us from the bully hero.

Izuku felt incredibly bad. He had just read probably the most personal thing to the man that was written years ago. However, this has given him another reassurance as to why villains were the the true savours at this time. If Katsuki Bakugo is the type of person that heroes begin as, then heroes shouldn't exists at all.

He closed the book, wanting to respect Dabi's privacy. Izuku wondered if Dabi still wrote in his Journal, writing about encounters with Endeavour that he must have had in the past. And he must have been the supposedly 'deceased' Todoroki child, would he not have? This must explain what Dabi - or rather, Touya Todoroki - had said earlier on in the alleyway. Being abused. Must this be how he gained all the burns? He wouldn't know.. yet.

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