Chapter XIII

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No sound escaped Izuku anymore. Well, what was left of him. No skin whatsoever, with holes gaping in the muscle and nerves that remained. That was the only thing covering some of the skeletal structure. Even Dabi couldn't look and he was the one that burnt of his skin earlier that day.

The man behind Izuku, who had stolen everything from the boy, was smirking underneath his mask. He released his hold on the boy's head and he fell to the floor. No breathing. No blinking. No anything. Even Tomura was quite disgusted at the sight, through he'd never admit it.

"WE HAD A DEAL! WE'D ONLY TAKE HIS QUIRK ONCE HE WAS READY!" Dabi yelled, chocking back tears. That boy, now broken on the floor, was the only one who had made him feel better than his usual self. He made him happy. And Dabi knew that. Now that happiness was gone.

"No one is ever ready to die." The Man began to speak. "And now, I need to choose one of you to give this quirk to." And as much as Dabi wanted to reply, he couldn't find the words nor the courage.

Most people would be in total and utter shock at how calm the Masked Man was about the situation. He had not only murdered a boy for a quirk that caused him so much pain, but now he wanted to give that pain to one of his members.

"Master, if I may interrupt, every time you have tried to give someone another quirk, it has either made them a Nomu or quite simply killed them," Tomura spoke up. None of them, including Tomura himself, wanted to be tested for this quirk.

"Very true, however, this quirk is immortality. If I give this to one of you, your body will completely replenish itself before you have the chance to either die or become a monster." And this was true. Immortality would solve every problem of the body that had ever existed. If it was given to Dabi.. his scars would be existent no more.

"But for now, I wish to test it myself," the masked man said. This quirk would allow him to never fail or be defeated by a hero. "Tomura, decay," He instructed as he held has wrist out. And Tomura debated on following.

"Master, have your old scars disappeared?" He questioned, not wanting to kill his Master if the process hadn't worked properly.

"I gave you an order." And he became impatient. It was fairly obvious he had a short fuse, and he most definitely didn't like being argued with.

"But what if-" And before Tomura could finish, a large hand gripped around his neck and squeezed, making it hard to breath, let alone talk.

"I gave you and order. Do you understand me?"

All Tomura could do was give the slightest nod while trying to gather air into his lungs and failing. Fortunately, the hand released its grasp and Tomura was able to breath, coughing and spluttering as he did so.

"Now, decay."

Tomura rubbed his neck with four fingers before hesitantly reaching out for his Master's wrist. He wasn't particularly worried about if something went wrong, but he was worried about the consequences. If it failed for whatever reason, he would be the one his Master would punish, despite having been instructed to do so.

"Now." The harsh voice ordered.

Tomura reached for his Masters wrist. He hesitated before grabbing hold, and eventually, tried to clasp his whole hand around the man's wrist, all fingers down.

But he was stopped. Not by himself, and not by his Master. Another hand wrapped around Tomura's wrist, stopping it from going any further. It startled Tomura, for it was a surprise, but more because it wasn't a fully formed hand.

"Don't..." a voice whispered. Tomura looked down at the source of the sound, and he couldn't believe his eyes. Nor couldn't anyone else in the room.

Izuku stopped him. And he wasn't just mush and bones anymore. Muscles, nerves, arteries were all slowly forming around his body. His face wasn't so distorted. Everything was fixing itself.

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