Chapter XX

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Despite it being early morning - eight thirty-two to be exact - Tomura was already ranting about the day's jobs to be fulfilled; one of which belonged to Izuku. "You'll be meeting All Might today," he'd said, Izuku grinning at the thought of beginning the plan. His instruction were to find tatty clothes and bloody them, then to find All Might and seem terrified out of his mind. Izuku knew exactly how his role of the victim had to be played, but being around the Hero he'd need to feel safer as if he was being protected.

"Will this one be coming with me?" He'd asked, gesturing to Dabi who was sat at the bar, a black coffee in hand. He took simple sips, interested in if he was allowed to join his lover on the quest.

"I have a name you know," Dabi snarled offended, slouching at his seat. But he couldn't stay mad at the greenette, so he brushed it off with a chuckle under his breath.

"No. Dabi will join you later on. We'll have boss give him a quirk in order for him to be able to avoid the mind tricks the Heroes will throw at you." Dabi nearly choked on his drink. He eyes shot open, seemingly terrified. Izuku only raised an uninterested eyebrow at the thought of using their Master - the one of whom had only recently caused him masses of pain - as a part of the plan.

"I'll die or turn into one of those fucking monsters!" The scarred man's voice was plagued with anger, and yet anyone could hear the hint of fear lingering in his words. Tomura only smirked.

"We have him," Tomura gestured towards Izuku with his head as his simple remark was made.

"You want me to use my quirk on him so that doesn't happen?" Izuku asked, having understood the man's intentions.

"Precisely." Tomura said, and Dabi's face slightly relaxed, knowing he wasn't going to be given a quirk and most likely die or loose his mind in a sense that was far from theoretical. They'd all already seen Izuku's transference of immortality to Dabi recently, so Tomura had reassured his Master that it would work. Hopefully.

"Does Master even have a quirk like that?" Dabi asked, questioningly looking up at his boss.

"I'm sure he'll find one; we have a good few months. The UA entrance exam is in February, then starts later in April; that gives Midoriya plenty of time to gain the Heroes's trust." Tomura stood, looking over at Toga. "Oi, Vampire." Himiko turned her attention away from Twice who continued spitting nonsense, looking at her boss. "Go get some blood- we need to mess up some clothes." He instructed, but Izuku shook his head.

"If they examine my clothing - although it's unlikely - they'll figure out it's not my blood and be led to think it's all a set up," he began, everyone stopping and heir actions as they began listening to his preposition. "I'll just do it myself, it's not like I'll die." Tomura rolled his eyes, grumbling 'whatever' under his breath, feeling annoyed at the thought of being outsmarted by the younger boy. "C'mon," Izuku said, outstretching his hand towards Dabi, giving the man an opportunity to take it. He quickly drank the rest of the coffee while making a slightly pained face as the hot liquid irritated his throat. He took Izuku's hand nonetheless, the two heading back up to their room. Himiko however jumped from her seat to follow the two. Izuku scowled hearing the girl, silently wishing she was heading to her own room. But that was not the case.

After heading up the stairs and a part of the way down the corridor, Himiko ripped Dabi's hand from Izuku, taking his hand for herself. Izuku felt disgusted at the difference between her soft touch and Dabi's warm grip, pulling his hand from her immediately, his face displaying . Dabi's face didn't seem best pleased either. However, the taller man handled the situation better than Izuku ever would have due to his hatred towards the certain female.

Dabi slumped the entirety of his body weight onto Izuku, hugging him as he did so. Izuku seemed surprised, catching the man but struggling with the weight forced onto him so suddenly. "Mine," Dabi said, quite simply. Himiko just had a confused and slightly stunned look on her face. Izuku grinned, cheeks slightly red at the idea of the whole relationship thing. He wanted to smirk at Himiko, as if to say 'Back off, bitch,' but having to hold Dabi in this position was hard enough as it was.

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