Chapter VII

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Sirens were surrounding the house as Mitsuki was still trying to calm her son down about the whole situation. Katsuki was visibly terrified, and no one, not even his Mother and Father had seen him like this before.

3 policemen were having a look at the letter and the decapitated head. Even they looked slightly disgusted at the sight and smell. One was reading over the letter, and Katsuki couldn't help but worry if they found that Izuku had done it. He would surely kill Katsuki as well. Decapitate his head and scatter his limbs. Maybe he'd use his head it as a trophy.

These thoughts kept swarming Katsuki's mind and it didn't help him calm down at all.

"He's going to kill me.." These words were bearly audible, but as soon as Katsuki realised it was highly possible, he squirmed out of any touch from his mother in horror.

"He.. he's going to kill me too.." it was no more than a whisper at first, but that soon changed.

"HE'S GOING TO FUCKING KILL ME!" Katsuki's eyes were wide, he had his hair clutched in both hands, he curled up in a ball of the floor, and fell into a panic.

He wasn't registering anything. He didn't know that one of the officers was trying to calm him down as well as his Mother and Father. His vision was unfocused and blurry with tears while his breaths were fast. There wasn't enough air getting to his lungs and this just made him freak out more. The thoughts were still spiralling in his head, and nothing could calm him down.

Never in his life had he been scared of the green haired boy, but now, Izuku was most likely Katsuki's worst nightmare..


Izuku smirked. He walked past Katsuki's house on the opposite side of the road to see a police car outside. He soon crossed to road and walked to one of the windows. Through this window, Izuku could see 3 people surrounding a blonde boy trying to calm him. Nothing they tried was working. Izuku stared daggers directly at Katsuki, and as soon as Katsuki shot his head to the right to avoid the policeman shouting in his ear, he saw Izuku standing and smirking at the window.

He screamed. Katsuki screamed in pure and utter fright and more tears began to spill from his eyes. Izuku then walked away so that no one would have to see him standing outside the window. Izuku was pleased. He was pleased that the one that tortured him for almost his whole life, was now suffering because of him. Izuku was torturing him. Now all he had to do, was hunt down the rest of his bullies.

Katsuki had always felt unstoppable, and now that someone had proven him wrong, he felt beaten. Weak. Worthless. And what made this worse, is that the one who made him feel this way was the boy who he had bullied for so long.

Walking back down the street, Izuku saw smoke coming from an alleyway. No one else seemed to care, so Izuku went to see what the commotion was. If there was a fire, Izuku seemed to be interested to see and feel what it would be like to burn alive.

Walking into the alleyway, small blue embers could be visible. And soon, so was blue fire. It was a beautiful display of heat, and Izuku wondered how it would affect his immortal body.

Stepping closer, he saw a figure controlling this fire. This person was most definitely a criminal, for they were using their quirk without a licence. Izuku didn't know any heroes with a quirk to do with blue fire, and he knew almost every hero. He may not know a few of the very bottom heroes, but with a quirk such as this, Izuku was sure they would most likely be at least within the top hundred.

"Disgusting." He heard the man say. The fire then disappeared into thin air, smoke still lurking in the air. The man then turned around to leave the alleyway, but then spotted Izuku standing in the way. He obviously wasn't pleased about Izuku being there and having seen him killing another.

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