Chapter VIII

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"You have the immortality quirk?" The man questioned Izuku. If this truly was the boy that his boss was looking for, he would finally be respected. Well, that is if he were able to get the greenette to come with him.

"I'm not telling you anything until I know who you are," Izuku hadn't stopped glaring at the taller man, however, he wasn't the type to be intimidating with his looks.

"I go by Dabi. Don't ask for my real name; I won't give it to you or anyone. And if I am correct, you are Izuku Midoriya," Izuku was surprised the man knew his name, but was also suspicious on how.

"Well, Dabi. That is my name and yes I do have an immortality quirk. What's it to you?" Izuku was curious how Dabi knew his name when he was given details about the his quirk. He wondered how he required the information.

Dabi leaned back against the wall, hands in his jean pockets. He briefly closed his eyes and sighed, thinking about how to explain the situation. The man bowed his head, but before telling Izuku the situation, he asked Izuku a question.

"How do you feel about your quirk?" Dabi didn't raise his head, but his ocean blue eyes that shone the same way his fire did, looked up towards Izuku.

However, Izuku didn't say anything to that. He as well was thinking how to reply. It's not everyday a villain has a general conversation with you, especially when it's obvious they or their boss wants something from you. However, Izuku wasn't just about to explain his past with his quirk to a stranger who sounds like they would use his cursed quirk for their own benefit.

So, Izuku repeated.

"What is it to you?" This time, he had a scowl on his face when he spoke. Izuku wasn't going to had over information that seemed useless to him, but could be important for a villain. Having and immortality quirk at hand could help villains incredibly.

"My boss. Not me. It's nothing to me, I don't give two shits about your quirk," Dabi spoke defending himself, but still not giving much information to Izuku. All he knew is that this Dabi guy was a villain with a blue fire quirk, who has a boss that wants an immortality quirk. His immortality quirk to be exact.

"So what I'm gathering is that your boss wants my quirk, right?" Izuku had an opportunity here. He despised his quirk. This was a possibility to finally dispose of it. After his revenge, of course.

"Exactly. We'd have an unstoppable villain in our midst," Dabi closed his eyes again, obviously tired of explaining. He stuck around, however, for he finally had an opportunity to please his boss.

"And how would your boss actually take my quirk? For all I know, you could be wanting to experiment on my immortal body," Izuku stepped a couple of paces closer to the scarred man and looked up at him with a grin.

"My bosses Master has a quirk able to steal others, for your information. Or, you know, we might just decide to turn you into a beast called a Nomu," Dabi stood straight again and looked down at the smaller boy before continuing his explanation.

"You'd be merged with other human beings with powerful quirks to make an even stronger being. It can't talk and it can't do anything without being given orders. It's basically an emotionless murdering monster," Dabi smirked as the greenette gulped. However, he knew that it would never be possible.

"I'd be surprised if you managed to turn me into more of a monster than I already am. And I doubt my body would allow you to do that to me anyway," Izuku shot back, knowing everything he said was all the truth. He wasn't even mad about it. He was pleased with himself.

"Then my bosses Master can steal it from you," the black haired male's smirk turned into a grin as he saw Izuku with a satisfied look on his face.

"Alright then," Izuku said swiftly. He could finally live a life without suffering. He wouldn't even live it to be fair, he would just leave this horrible and unfair place. He was extremely joyous that he could leave with this man and get his quirk stolen from him. That is, if he isn't lying about it all.

Dabi paused before replying to the greenette. He was a little surprised at the younger male's immediate decision. His tone also had the hint of relief inside. He was the slightest but confused, but decided against questioning it.

"You want your quirk stolen from you?" He tried to hide the surprise in his voice, but failed miserably.

"I'll be glad to finally get rid of this torturous quirk. You wouldn't understand everything I've been through," Izuku said simply. But Dabi accepted the challenge of trying to understand him.

"Yeah? Try being mentally and physically abused by your father because your quirk wasn't good enough to surpass the number one hero, All Might. Then they think your dead when you burned in a forest," Dabi wanted to smirk at his statement, but his mind was running memories through his head and he soon realised it wasn't anything to be happy about.

"Try having no father since birth, then your mother, who was the only person who loved you, dying while you're used as a punching bag everyday at school by bullies because of your quirk. Then you become a masochist after realising you weren't able to kill yourself after multiple attempts, so you just torture your main bully, who used to be a really close friend, instead," Izuku almost teared up saying that. Almost.

Dabi paused again. He wouldn't think that a kid like this with a quirk like his and an attitude like his would be living a great life. That he would be seen as extremely powerful, but obviously not. Izuku seemed pretty tough for his age, and that's what Dabi didn't understand. He thought the kid would be able to stand up for himself if being bullied, so he wondered how it all went down. But he wasn't going to ask right now, not in an alleyway while all the smaller boy was wearing was his long cloak after he burned off the immortal boy's clothes.

"Your tough, shortie," Dabi raised an eyebrow and a smile tugged at his lips. He ruffled the greenette's curly hair before dropping his arm back to his side.

"It's pretty hard not to be tough when you're immortal. And don't call me short," Izuku said the last part extremely sternly as he glared up at Dabi.

"I'm just calling you what you are," he then smirked at his reply. It was fun teasing the younger boy.

"Then should I call you a burnt bitch?" Izuku pulled a face that made himself look quite innocent and cute. His eyes were slightly widened as his pupils were dilated. His head was only subtly tilted to the side, but it was enough to make himself look like a cute puppy. It was also enough to get the scarred man's cheeks to turn a small shade of pink, but it went unnoticed to Izuku.

"I- No. And stop doing that. You stated your literally a murderer yet you can look so innocent and adorable," Dabi had absolutely no shame in what he was saying, just as Izuku had no shame when standing before the man naked only a little while before.

"Did you just call me adorable?" Izuku was shocked at Dabi's response, and couldn't help but blush a tiny amount as well. However, Dabi noticed his cheeks turn light pink. Dabi noticed, unlike Izuku who was blind to see it. Well, being fair, it was obviously harder to notice the older man blush, as half of his cheeks were covered in a dark purple burn scar, held together with what sort of looked like staples.

"I did. Any problem?" Again, this man had no shame whatsoever.

"Frankly, I don't care. Now where are we going to get my quirk stolen?" Izuku changed the subject quickly before he began to blush even more. He thought it was from embarrassment, but he just stood naked in front if this man. How could he be embarrassed about a compliment?

"Right, the quirk," Dabi snapped back to the topic having completely forgotten their conversation before hand. He turned away from Izuku slightly, before tapping something near his own ear.

"What are you-" Izuku was about to question Dabi's actions, but the taller male held his pale index finger up to Izuku, silently telling him to be quiet.

"Kurogiri, open a portal to the base. I'm bringing someone important with me."

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