Chapter XXI

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Blood dripping from his shirt, tears running down his face, breath fastening its pace with every step. Izuku ran down the street, getting glances, glares and stares from anyone who witnessed him. But no one had yet come to care. He could understand why though; he look like he had just escaped an insane asylum.

Though soon, he heard a shout from behind. He recognised the sound of running feet chasing after him. He tried to run faster, trying to outrun whoever it was. But in actuality, he wanted to be captured. It was just part of the plan, and lucky for Izuku, it wasn't long before he felt himself being halted by a capture weapon of which felt hard and uncomfortable; spiked, even. He immediately began to squirm and thrash around, continuing to sob. "LET ME GO!" He screamed, now gaining more of a crowd to witness the sight.  He needed to make a scene to get attention of Heroes, and he'd hoped he'd done so.

"I'm afraid I won't do that," the confident voice from behind spoke. Izuku recognised it. He then saw some girls pointing and squealing, everyone looking at the event playing before them, obviously caring for the Hero much more than feeling the slightest bit of pity for the young boy. But, that didn't matter: the plan was beginning to fall into place. Shallow steps approached as Izuku continued to try and defy the hold, acting desperate to escape the capture. Izuku turned his head as he did so, as to catch a quick look at the Hero who'd captured him. Kamui Woods, ranked 7th amongst the Hero society. Izuku resisted the temptation to smirk.

Kamui pressed what seemed to be a communication piece by his ear, speaking through it to someone on the other side. "I've got a boy I'd like to bring in. Get someone on standby to replace my patrolling for the mean time."

"GET OFF!" Izuku continued yelling. Screaming. Crying. "GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!!" He refused to stop struggling, making it obvious to the public that he wanted to be freed. By doing this, he gathered more of an audience. People began videoing, but whether that's because of the commotion or because they wanted to have evidence of seeing Kamui Woods in action, it wasn't to tell.

Kamui Woods slowly approached the screaming boy, so as not to startle him. He'd recognised the green head of curly hair from down the road, and when the running boy passed him, he took the opportunity to stop the victim in his tracks and save him, just as his agency had instructed if he was ever to encounter the boy.

"I'm only here to help," he began, but Izuku just kept fighting against the hold and shook his head violently. He sobbed while his breath only quickened. "Why don't you come with me." It was more of an instruction than it was a question, but Izuku still felt the need to be difficult. He continued thrashing, kicking his legs, screaming until his throat began to feel numb, but in a second that all stopped. Everything went black. After a sudden blow to the side of his neck, he was out cold.

"I found him running down the street," Kamui began his explanation. "What he was running from or why he was scared was unclear, but I can tell you that the boy was terrified out of his mind." He stood with All Might and Tsukauchi, all of them facing the young boy laid on the hospital bed. His bloodied and scruffy clothing had been changed into a hospital gown, and after a thorough inspection of his body, no wounds were visible. But two of them knew why.

"All Might claims he's been told by Midoriya himself that the villains he'd been kidnapped by were threatening many things he held dear." Tsukauchi said. The boy twitched in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowing. The unfamiliar environment  may have been making him uncomfortable, and the adults in the room could have written it down as trauma. But was it?

"Like that Bakugo kid?" Kamui asked, knowing about the constant reports and remarks made about the Bakugo family and how they were being targeted by only a Middle Schooler. Now, that case was taking a turn for the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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