chapter six

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!lower case intended!

!yandere kimetsu no yaiba x reader!

!chapter six!

!modern high school au!

!warnings: gore, yandere, gore, unhealthy mindset, cringe, manipulation, unhealthy, ect!

!wordcount; 1115!

AFTER, the whole interaction with tanjiro , both of you were in a tense and hostile situation towards each other it was silent but both silently agreed too part ways, for now . . .

yet you couldn't keep your peace, and yet another deep and calming voice echoed behind the empty hallways. "you sounded like you have killed someone before". the new male said, out of instinct you threw a punch at the male.

the male was unfazed but quickly postured himself. "you pack quite the punch". he hummed out, his voice was cold.

your eyes met his, realizing who it was . . YORIICHI TSUGIKUNI, you don't remember this scene at all . . this game must have a glitch, many scenes and many things weren't like how the game was supposed too be but it must be because you entered this game . . you must be the glitch? or are you forced too be upon this world?

you saw yoriichi leaning close too your face, inspecting you and observing you closely, his face was blank with no emotion but he did have a red mark where you punched him, you winced slightly knowing it'll make a purple bruise later.

you looked at him with fake confidence too not show any fear. "your yoriichi, am i right?". you whispered, glaring at him too hide the fear of him, you didn't trust the man, thinking he'd tried too threaten you like tanjiro.

he let out a hum of agreement and swiftly nodded. "yes your correct my darling, your (y/n) am i right? the one who use too date that cowardly man, muzan? enough of that . . you hang out too much with yuikia, I don't like it at all". yoriichi said in boredom, glaring at you like you were a pest.

but oddly . . it seemed like he was bored of repeating that line over and over again . .

you looked up at yoriichi, mentally rolling your eyes and frowned not in the mood too deal with another lovesick hoe, who's like a loyal dog that's follows it's owner, it perfectly describes the characters in this game.

yoriichi was unfazed with the way you stared at him, but he had too say it was slightly amusing, he could tell that in your eyes, he and all of the others are nothing but toys since there just fools for a sick fantasy.

just like that, he almost slipped some information he shouldn't have dare let slipped from his mouth. "your not from this-". yoriichi the stopped himself from completing the sentence, and sternly looked at you before turning his body away from you.

you looked at him suspiciously yet confused. "not from what?". you urged him too finish what he started. "he couldn't possibly know . . right?". you thought too yourself, sweating nervously.

yoriichi let out a fake cough. "you heard nothing". yoriichi averted his eyes from you, he then went back too looking at you, his gaze were stern and then glared at you in a warning way, you didn't back down.

you opened your mouth, too continue too persuasive him. "tell me, yoriichi". you slyly and continued too try to persuasive him too slip up or tell you the truth, you didn't care what you needed too do so you'd know what he was thinking and about what he accidentally almost slip up.

you and yoriichi were alike in a area, he himself have killed many people for yuikia, and did countless murders, and you did the same you killed someone . . both of you were murderers, but yet different since he did that since he wanted love, attention and the approval of yuikia.

he was a stupid and idiot lovesick fool

just like that he left without a word, ignoring everything you said and called his name but he didn't bother too turn back.

one thing he thought about you was. "how persistent". a cruel and interested grin was on his face

THE, minute he had left and ignored you while you tried too get him too talk too you again and failed. "fuck, he didn't tell me! he just walked away and ignored me!". you irked in thought, biting your nails out of frustration and anger, you wanted him too spill it but in the end he didn't and ignored you.

but one thing you did know was going too happens was the truth always got out in the end, even how and why you got stuck into this game.

another voice interrupted like usual. "(y/n), my dear let's talk . . ". and you knew who it was and turned too him and glared hatefully, not in the mood. "oh muzan". you whispered boredly.

muzan then stated. "your not allowed too hangout with anyone but me, didn't I tell you that when we first dated?". muzan coldly stated, glaring coldly at you, his face sorted with anger and coldness, he grabbed your shoulder harshly.

but if anyone was passing by, they laugh a little since the scene look funny since, you were slightly taller the muzan. "you bitch!". you muttered furiously, grabbing his hands off you, grabbing his wrist tightly, squeezing them harshly.

you then semi yelled at him in frustration. "what are you still chasing after me, you lunatic!? i made everything easier for you since now you can get closer with yuikia!". you started strangling muzan's hard out of anger, he started coughing slightly and wheezed, then a smirk on his face.

yet another soft calm voice was heard from behind the both of you. "(y/n)?". you turned around along with muzan seeing yuikia eyes wide. "y-yuikia!?". both you and muzan slightly stuttered and said at the same time out both shock with wide eyes.

you then tried too explain the situation. "w-wait! look, muzan he was going to-". you frantically said starting too try and explain too her about the scene, letting go of muzan's neck.

yuikia looked you in worry, quickly going to grab your hands softly. "what we're you doing and thinking!? chocking muzan! you . . shouldn't have! what if you got caught buy someone else and got in trouble!". yuikia squeaked out softly, running toowards you, she seemed too be worry about you more then muzan since she didn't bother look at him only, focusing on you.

yuikia then started too scold you and stated she didn't want you too get in trouble since she didn't want you too get hurt because of that.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐋 | yandere kny x reader [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now