chapter thirteen

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!lower case intended!

!yandere kimetsu no yaiba x reader!

!chapter thirteen!

!modern high school au!

!warnings: gore, yandere, gore, unhealthy mindset, cringe, manipulation, unhealthy, ect!

wordcount: 1756


you were lost in your thoughts, thinking about what happened in kagaya's office. yuikia was beaming at you, talking and rambling happily at you. you weren't paying attention since you were trying to try and find out what did kagaya possibly mean? what did he know about the game, who is he actually? is he the creator of the game? you weren't sure but you'd get to the bottom of this.

just like that you were remembering what happened there.


he then turned to face sanemi once again. "you may take your leave, sanemi, i'll be taking her from here so ms. (y/n) go take a seat". kagaya told the male with a calm smile curled up on his lips. sanemi nodded walking away.

kagaya smiled softly at you, pointing at the empty chair in front of his. "now ms. (y/n), please go in and take a seat, we have a lot of things to talk about but for now let's just talk about just one subject, shall we?". making his way to sit on his chair.

you looked around with a confused expression clear on your face, yet you were averting your eyes nervously trying to remember if you did anything wrong or perhaps broke a possible rule? to be called in his office.

yet kagaya's calm energy vanished as both of you took a seat. "your aura, poor you honestly i pity you for being the next of all of them that have come before you, i truly wonder what will the three do with you in the end, will you survive or would you turn into the next victim?". he smiled cruelly at you, tilting his head menacingly with a dark gleam in his eyes.

your eyes shot up in surprise, staring at him with desperation clear in your eyes, wanting answers. "what do you mean? explain!". you stood up frantically, something about him was off, could he could he possibly be hiding?

kagaya ubuyashiki, in the game was a kind and nice character out of all the yanderes somehow, but there many theory's surrounding this character since he was oddly suspicious and secretive. you remembered some videos of theory's of him yet you dismissed them and slightly laughed them off, not taking them seriously but now you were suspicious of him.

kagaya payed now mind to you, and pointed a finger up his mouth. "shh, you'll know everything about this world in due time, you won't be able to escape from here, there eyes have been placed on you for so long". the words he said, hinted to something but what could he possibly mean? the way he smiled sent shivers down your spine if you were being honest.

you could only shiver slightly under his gaze, the way he looked at you with such a gaze of a predator that enjoyed seeing you in fear. "what do you mean?". you pretended to play along with ignorance. "i-i think i should go". you slightly stuttered over your words, chocking on a fake chuckle that escaped your lips. you wanted to get out and you knew you had to get out of there.

kagaya hummed, placing his slim fingers on his chin, acting like he was thinking. "let's just hope you'll be able to escape". he mumbled to himself with a wicked smile placed on his lips. he knew he would surely be entertained by you, you were so addicting was he turning like them? surely you'd understand in due time of how obsessed he has become with you, watching you in the shadows, ever since you entered this game.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐋 | yandere kny x reader [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now