Extra Part - No Chapter. (Past time)

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Tsu.. Kasa... Ku.. ugh you get it..

It's.. like what.. 4 am.."

"It's legit 11 pm."


Then it's like.. 11 pm.."


"Why are you so unstarry right noooww........"



Ya know.. not that energetic that you force me to wake up and act like you rule the world... you know...."

"..That's what you think of me?"

Okay, at this point I was seriously scared now.

I jumped out from bed and finally opened my eyes.

He was sitting on the bed, legs crossed, and was looking down at the starry blanket he had, right infront of me sitting up in my bed.

I couldn't see his eyes, I couldn't see any expression in his entire face.

"That's cute."



He seemingly laughed, face still empty.

"I'm way too sleepy for this........"

"Then how about I wake you up, Hm?~"


He slowly started looking up.

I straightened gayened myself up in my bed, rubbing my eyes to see clearer.

When I opened my eyes, blinking twice to clear my eye, He had fully looked up at me.

He was looking deep into my eyes.

But he didn't seem to be looking at them.

He was looking at my eyes, But he also wasn't.

If that's possible..

Once I actually looked deeper into his eyes, He was smiling like an idiot.

Or more of a.. smirking type of smile, I think.

It was.. different from my usual smirk.

It just seemed full of.. hope and desire for some reason.

He almost seemed like he had.. hearts in his eyes??

Without any warning, and by that I mean ABSOLUTELY no warning, He jumped on top me.

I almost fell off his bed, if he didn't have such a wide ass bed.

And he caught me anyway, In one hand..

When the fuck was he this strong.

"You're pretty light, Rui~"


Not even Akito could lift me like that...

With two hands..

And he's holding me with one..

"Hah, Surprised how I can hold you?

Well that's because it's you, Duh."


He fell on me again, more gently this time.

He laid on my chest, playing with my hair with both hands while wrapping his legs around me so that I couldn't even move, Not like I wanted to.

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