Chapter, 32. (Past time)

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Tsukasa started, But Emu just shushed him.

"So, What do you think this riddle of Rui's means?"

"Absolutely no idea on what the riddle means, But I can sure tell what the rumbling in my stomach means. I'm hungry,

Toya, feed me."

"Didn't you like, just drink 3 chocolate milkshakes?"

"To clarify, I had two.

Emu drank the third one.

Wait— No! I had one. Tsukasa-'senpai' here drank the first one."

Akito spoke, pointing to a very confused Tsukasa, with a sinister look.



"Ok, fine..

I drank it."


"Ok you two babies, Let's eat."

Emu said, not even looking up at us as she stared at one of the most luscious cakes I've ever seen.

Suddenly, Akito's gaze fell upon the cakes aswell, and when he saw Emu staring at it with such desire, he smirked.

"Hey, So like, You three can eat whatever the hell you want,"

He spoke, as Emu's hand rushed for the cake.

"Exxxxceeeeept this one."

He spoke, covering the cake with his hand right before Emu grabbed it, in this process, shattering Emu's dreams to pieces.

Emu looked as if she was gonna burn Akito alive, and or cry any minute now.

"Ok, ok fine, I'm sorry, You can have it."

Akito spoke, reluctantly giving the plate of cake to Emu.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa had other plans.

Considering he wasn't being all loud and 'I AM WORLD FUTURE STAR!' as usual, I looked at where he was sitting to see what he was doing.

He was keeping on looking all over the note Rui had given us, flipping it around and back again, looking more confused per second, and even speaking to it, likely trying to get it to respond back, probably.


He finally yelled, losing his patience, causing both Emu and Akito who were stuffing their faces, to jump.

Tsukasa looked like he was gonna rip that note up into pieces any moment now, But then quite suddenly —

We heard Rui's voice.

"Oh-? Why hello, Tsukasa-kun."

I don't know how, but both Tsukasa AND Akito managed to scream like two highschool girls, and they even harmonized together.

Akito's mouth instantly went agape, and Tsukasa just looked shocked.

They even managed to get a; 'Holy shit' from Rui, and almost made Emu drop her seventh cupcake.

Suddenly, someone barged into our cubicle (as per usual), and screamed,


And quite suddenly, the entire place started screaming 'Encore', thinking they did it on purpose.

We tried slamming the door shut with a chair, but that wouldn't stop the screams.

The chair was Akito's idea, of course.

We had peace for a minute when the building went silent, But—

The door was open in a second, completely shoving the chair away, and in strolled in the one and only.

With a now high ponytail, and a fully royal purple suit, came he.


He spoke, not even looking at us, while Tsukasa randomly looked like he would run away, and spoke;


"Go, sing.

If they want an encore, then they'll get an encore."


Began Tsukasa, but immediately got interrupted by Akito.


Excuse me, But I never agreed. Leave me out of this.

The fuck you mean encore you william afton wannabe you purple ass mentally insane piece of shit?!"

"Anyway, Basically, they want you two to sing for them.

That's right, I mean you, Tsukasa. And Akito."

He gestured towards Tsukasa and he just looked like he was gonna melt any second, and went red in the face, Meanwhile, Akito's big mouth was trying to say something as usual, but he couldn't get anything out.

"Don't worry. You don't actually have to,"

Rui spoke, seeing their faces, making them sigh with relief.

"All four of you have to."


Emu managed to munch out.


All I could say was dot dot dot.

"Don't tell me you're serious.."

Akito said, in quite a lot of emotions.

Oh he's most definitely serious..

"Oh no, I am."

He said, gesturing for us to follow him.

Emu said her farewells and 'we shall meet again's to her cupcakes, and followed us, still munching on one.

He led us through the crowd of people who were screaming 'Encore' just a few minutes ago, making way for him to get across the rooms, and giving us glares.

Eventually, we ended up in a very.. ambient room, without even realizing it.

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