Chapter, 28. (Present time)

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I started, before softening at her scared expression.

"Excuse me, you're Mizuki's co-worker, right? Can you do us a favor and get the ice cream for us? I'll pay extra."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll do it for free.

Which flavors?"

"Cotton candy, cookies and cream, and vanilla, thank you.

Can you also give it to them for us? Tell them Kanade and Mafuyu will be right back."

"Of course."

"Kana.. what are you doin–" "Shh.."

I shushed her, and dragged her outside.

I looked around for a place, and I found just the one.

"Hang on tight!"


I dragged her across a road booming with traffic, all of them honking at us for being so reckless.

"Haha! That was fun.."

"Why are we even here..?"

Mafuyu asked, out of breath.

I took her hand, and walked into the building across the ice cream place.

"Hey, Ayaka!"


Oh, it's great to see you again? Have you been well?"

"Mhm, and I hope you've been aswell."

The icy-blue haired girl walked towards us from her counter.

"Oo, is this your wife?"

"Mm, darling, do you prefer for her to call you my partner instead?"


She just nodded, with Ayaka humming in response.

"You two make a lovely couple. You remind me of the sun and the moon!

Anyway, I'm guessing you need a place to talk alone?

Don't worry, I won't be here. I was just closing up anyway.

Kana, can you lock up for me?"

"Of course, thank you so much, Ayaka."

"You're always welcome."

She said, going to the door, and excusing herself.

I looked at Mafuyu for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

She was always so adorable.. but she was.. pouting?

"What's wrong, my love?"

"..I like being the only one calling you Kana..."

"Aww, is that what this is about? Of course."

I said, taking her into my arms and pulling her into an embrace.

"I love you.."

I mumbled, hoping she'd hear me.

I knew she wasn't going to say anything, so I broke our comfortably awkward silence.

"Hey, if you're comfortable, tell me why you don't trust Tsuna.

I'll be honest, I don't really have an opinion on them."

Okay, so..


We were walking back from the ice cream place, god, I should've never listened to Mizuki challenging me to eat that entire ice cream sundae..

My stomach felt like I was dying, but I still couldn't shake that weird feeling about Mafuyu and Kanade.

They had still not come back from the supposed 'bathroom'.

They were probably talking about me anyway, I've really been slipping up lately..

I'm really gonna have to try harder at this new gender identity thing..

I looked to my right, trying to see what the others were doing, and..

They weren't there.

I'd lost them.

Fuck, fuck fuck FUCK!

If I saw someone I used to know here and had to interact with them, I'd be doomed!

Atleast with Mizuki around, she'd do the talking for me!

But NOOO, I had to go and get myself fucking lost.

What do I do now, I have no idea where I am!

Wait, wait, isn't that Mizuki's boutique?


If one of her workers are there right now, then I could ask them to call her for me!

I, proud of myself for my really dumb idea that I thought was super smart at the time, strutted over to the fully pink boutique, a nice contrast from all the other boring buildings in the street.

Right as I was about to slam my head into the boutique's door, I noticed the 'CLOSED' sign right beside it, god, I really have to stop walking all proud of myself with my eyes closed..

Suddenly, random gush of wind which felt like it was directed right at me blew my way.

I got hit in the face with a heavy object, which felt like it was.. velvet?

It fell immediately after hitting my face, and landed right in my hands. It was a.. purse?

I carefully observed the purse, you never know, it might have a nuclear bomb, though I will admit that wouldn't be too bad right now..

It seemed like a normal purse, something Mizuki would have.

It had artificial amethysts on the hemming for the opening, and was shaped like a letter. A love letter, if I had to specify.. its latch was in the shape of a pink heart.

Something else which I found interesting was, it had the owner's initials.


Do I know anyone whose name starts with A, k, and last name starts with S..?

Nope.. can't think of anyone.

Suddenly, again, like it was my worst day, I got slapped right in the face. Again.

I saw a very well complexioned girl, who I'd normally find pretty if their face wasn't fuming.

I observed her for a few seconds, taking in her appearance.

She had reddish orange colored hair, tyed up in a messy braid, and was wearing full black designer.

"I guess you slapped me?"


Somehow, that voice sounded very familiar..

Wait.. no fucking way in hell. Could it be..?

My mind wandered as I kept staring at the girl in front of me.

They do look very similar..

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