"Mama?!" - Child x Reader

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** This is more of a slow burn
Warning: This story mentions car accidents and death

My best friend, Katie and I had been friends for nearly a decade. I remember the first time we met. It was at school and she had been wearing a blue dress. Her dark brown hair draped around her face, making her pale skin stand out.

It's really neat how long friendships can last. You know you have a good friend if they stick with you- no matter what the universe decides to throw at you. She was there for me when I discovered my powers at the age of eight- telekinesis and mind control.

And I was there for her for another event..

When we were both sixteen, Katie had a boyfriend named Dylan. He was alright.. To be honest, he was a bit too laid back for my liking- kind of an egotistical hotshot. But all that really mattered to me was that he treated Katie right, and he did.

But one move proved that he really was the asshole I chalked him up to be.. He knocked up my best friend and completely left her. Him and his parents ditched town after hearing the news. But before he left, I didn't let him go without a little shame. Let me just say, you don't need to have powers to get revenge. I may or may not have keyed his car and spread some nasty rumors that stuck around for awhile.

Don't mess with the wrong bitch.

Katie's parents weren't very supportive at all- luckily mine were, so if anything, I knew that my parents would be better grandparents than Katie's.

Katie was still sixteen when she gave birth to her daughter, Noah. She had made me her godmother and an aunt. I was so happy to meet my beautiful niece.

About a year and a half later, unfortunately, Katie was in a tragic car accident with her mom.

Neither of them made it out alive. Luckily Noah was at home with Katie's dad so she was alright.

That was absolutely the worst day of my life. Tops.

I hated looking into Noah's eyes, having to tell her that her mommy went to "a better place". A better place my ass.

Katie's dad just couldn't bare to look into Noah's eyes. He saw too much of Katie in her..

I did something that most almost seventeen years olds wouldn't do. I offered to take custody of Noah.

Now, obviously it was no fucking walk in the park to adopt a one and a half year old. I was able to convince the judge that I was fit for this role because I had a decent paying job and of course- I couldn't forget to include the sob story. My parents were very supportive of me and my choice and offered to help out with Noah. At the time I also already had my own apartment as I was fresh out of highschool.

Katie's dad didn't really stay in touch. Actually, the last time I talked to him was three months ago.

So now, here I am, a nineteen year old Avenger with a three year old child.

I had joined the Avengers last year. They always treated me like a kid or a little sister. I wasn't even the youngest one there! Peter Parker was a highschool student..

I was walking down the street one day, going to pick up Noah from daycare when I saw a repulsive sight. Some asshole was trying to force himself on a woman.

I sort of tried to hide my abilities, but it wasn't exactly my top priority. I used my powers and flung him fifteen feet away. I made him float in the air until the police arrived and I left before they could question me.

Apparently, I was spotted on some cameras and Tony Stark managed to track me down and cornered me in a café.

From then on I was "recruited" as an Avenger.

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