"Mission report?" (R x Team)

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"Alright, who's gonna wake the beast up this morning?" Sam asks, sitting at the counter in the kitchen.

Natasha, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Tony, and Bruce all look at each other.

"Last time I did, she threw her alarm clock at me. It shattered on the wall above my head." Bucky says with a shudder.

Okay, so it was obvious that you weren't a morning person...

If the Winter Soldier himself feared you... Well, that sort of speaks for itself.

It was a dangerous mission that they've all had to complete at some point in the morning. Except Tony..

"Stark, it's your turn. You haven't done it since she's moved in. Enough with the excuses." Steve says.

Tony groans, knowing that he's right. He has heard the infamous tales of the morning beast so he can't say that he's looking forward the task. Everyday he'd say that he had to get lab or that Pepper needed him, or some other excuse.

He gives himself false hope, mentally reciting a mantra of "I can do this.. I can do this.. it couldn't possibly be that bad?.. right?.."

He leaves the kitchen and the last thing he hears is Natasha wishing him good luck.

Tony opens the door to your room and leans against the doorframe. He clears his throat loudly before speaking.

"Y/n, the team sent me to be your wake up call-"

"Get out, Tony."

"No, I'm not leaving, get out of bed."

"Tony, get out. Now." You grunt, shoving your face into your pillow.


"I swear to all to the Norse, Greek, and Roman gods that exist, if you do not leave this instant I will shove Mjönir so far up your ass you'll taste it in your mouth." You declare in an eerily calm voice.

Tony harshly swallows, not wanting to push your buttons further.

He drawls out an "okaayy..." and leaves, closing the door behind him.

When he reaches the kitchen, everyone was still sitting there, waiting for him to come back.

Tony refuses to meet their curious and amused gazes, keeping his eyes fixated on the ground.

"Mission report?" Sam asks, grinning.

"Shut up."

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