"Can you pick me up?" (Tony x R)

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I wheeze in and out as I huddle myself in the corner of a dark hallway. I didn't even pay attention to where I was running- just that I needed to get out.

Having sensory disorders really fucking suck.

It was just a gradual buildup of little sounds and conversations, along with the copious amounts of assignments, that finally made me snap.

I take some shaky breaths and fumble around with pocket, trying to fish out my phone from my jeans.

I pull the smartphone out and swipe up, my shaky hands search for the call button.

Who the hell do I call? Peter's in school, my parents are out of town...

Maybe Tony Stark?

I nod my head to my idea and press the ring button. .

###-###-####. . .

. . . .

. . . -

"Hello?" A voice from the other end says.

I sniffle and wipe my tears.


"Y-Yeah, sorry.. Hey, uhm.. are you busy?.." I quietly ask.

Jesus Christ I sound like a fucking idiot. I'm having a panic attack and now I am making it sound like it's some casual follow-up with a friend- 'Hey you wanna grab a drink on Tuesda-

"Uh, usually yeah. But I always have time for you. What's going on, kid? Is everything okay?" He asks, his voice turning more serious.

"U-Uh- I just... Can you, uh, p-pick me up please?" I shakily whisper, leaning my head back against the wall.

"Uhm, yeah.. Okay. Just hang tight kiddo. I'll be there in less than ten. It's gonna be okay, Y/n." He says, having heard my shaky voice. He himself has had numerous anxiety attacks, he told me. I can hear car keys jingling in the background.

"Mkay..." I quietly say, wiping my tears.

"I-It's gonna be okay, I'll be there in a few."

Seven minutes later

"Hey, asshole! Watch where you're going- you almost hit my car!" A random man in the parking lot shouts at the billionaire.

"It doesn't matter- your car isn't worth a damn." Tony calls out without looking back.

He opens the door to the highschool and props his sunglasses up on his head. Walking through the main office, he stands in front of the counter.

"Hey- uh, I'm here to pick up Y/n Y/L/N...?" the man says, looking around the room.

"Okay.. Well, I haven't seen her.. Although a teacher did say that she ran out of the room a little while ago." The secretary says without looking up from her computer.

"Damnit..." The man quietly mumbles to himself.

Knowing that she can't help with anything, the man immediately storms back over to the door in search of you.

"Sir, you cannot leave without a visitor's pass! You can't just wander the building- Sir-"

"I'm Tony fucking Stark, I can do whatever the hell I wanna do." The man sassily snaps at the secretary, then turning around.

He flings open the door and immediately begins to speed walk around the building. Luckily, it wasn't a huge school.

He assumes that you went somewhere darker. His assumption is correct when he hears sniffling coming from a long deserted hallway.


I breathe in and out and close my eyes, holding my hands up to cover my ears. It wasn't super loud but I just genuinely couldn't deal with the extra little noises.

My soul nearly detaches from my body when I feel a hand rand on my shoulder. I jump and snap open my eyes, taking my hands off of my ears.

"Woah, woah, easy there, kid. It's just me." A familiar Avenger calls out.

"S-Sorry..." I mumble.

"You're good." He softly says

He squats down in front of me to get a better look at my huddled figure.

He pulls a handkerchief out of the back of his pocket and hands it to me. Wiping my tears, I sniffle and look back at him.

"C'mon. Let's go ahead and go so you don't have to be here another minute." He says, standing up.

He reaches a hand out and I take it in mine. When he helped me up he pulls me into a tight hug. I know that he doesn't always like  being touched or being handed things, so I greatly appreciated this moment.

He was aware of my condition, though not to the full extent. He was aware of it when I was first hired as a young avenger and I quickly needed a quiet place to relax. I hadn't realized that that room was Tony's lab.

He pulls back from the hug and rubs my shoulder. I had finally calmed down most of the way and now I was beginning to crash- the effects of a post panic attack kicking in.

"C'mon, Y/n, let's get you back to the tower." He says, letting me lean on him for support.

"I know what'll help make everything better." He says, leading me out the front doors of the highschool.

"Hm?" I quietly ask, slowly turning my head towards him.


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