It's more than a necklace. (Bucky x Teen!R)

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You were abducted by Hydra at the age of nine in the year 2010. You were used as a test subject until 2015- the year you escaped. You were helped out by the one and only Winter Soldier.

He was your only friend/parental figure growing up in a Hydra base. He was the only one that hadn't hurt you in any way.

You knew that he had killed people, but you didn't care. Because deep down, beneath the winter soldier, there was a man with a heart, a mind and a soul.

The Avengers had found you wandering the street a few days after your escape and they took you in as their own. You found out from Steve that the Winter Soldier's real name was James Buchanan Barnes, who went by "Bucky". You explained to Steve that Bucky was the one who helped you escape. It proves to the team that Bucky was still in there- or at least a more humane version of the Winter Soldier.

No matter how many times he had been brainwashed, he always remembered you.

Unbeknownst to you, Bucky wasn't under Hydra's control. Not entirely at least..

The Avengers figured that it would be best if you didn't get caught up in the mess. You didn't know about Steve and Natasha's fight with him, you didn't know about him getting triggered, and you didn't know that he had run away from Zemo to a different country.

The only thing that you had some knowledge on were the Sokovia Accords, which even then you didn't know the full truth.

Instead of going with T'Chala to Wakanda, Bucky had gone to the Avengers tower with Steve. Steve hadn't told Bucky that you were there, he just said that there was someone he needed to see.

Right now, you sit in your room flipping through a book. You can't even focus on the words, it just looks like little pictures. You were bored out of your mind.

A knock was heard on your door.

"Come in." You call out.

Natasha walks into the room with an odd expression on her face. It was similar to a sad smile, as if she were trying to hide something.

"Y/n, please come out to the meeting room.. Steve needs to see you." she says, then leaves.


You toss your book to the side and groan dramatically as you stand up. What is he up to now?..

You open your bedroom door and leave, closing it behind you. Walking down the halls, you whistle a tune.

You reach the room and through the glass door you see Steve talking to someone. His big figure was blocking the other person, keeping you from seeing who it was.

You open the door and hesitantly walk in.

"Uh- Steve... Natasha said you needed to se-"

Your words catch in your throat as Steve steps aside, revealing who he was talking to.

"W-Winter?" You whisper.

The man looks at you with wide eyes, not believing you were real. He had no way of knowing if you made it to safety or not when he helped you climb out of that window. He just had to hope for the best.

"Y/n?.." He asks in his low, gravelly voice.

You run towards him and he naturally opens his arms.

Flinging yourself into his chest, he tightly embraces you. You begin to cry against his red longsleeve shirt, clinging onto him tighter as if he might float away if you let go. Steve leaves the room for a minute to allow you two some privacy.

"Y/n.. God, I missed you so much. I was thinking about you the whole time, doll. I wasn't sure if you made it to safety." He says, burying his face in your hair.

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