Terrifying Assassins (Clint x Nat x Reader)

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Describing what life is like living with the Avengers is.... Complicated.

Who would've thought that at the young age of fifteen you'd be thrusted into this life with assassins, gods, green giants, and super-humans?..

Hmm... Nobody

Currently you are in the lab with Bruce, sitting in a black office chair with wheels, shuffling your feet on the ground which is making you spin.

Loud squeaks erupt from the soles of your tennis shoes. A loud sigh is heard from across the room.

"Y/n/n, for the last time, please stop making that sound! I really need to fix this and it's hard to concentrate with you doing that." Bruce says, exasperated.

Within the first few words of his sentence, a light speckle of green dances across his cheeks, obviously trying to keep the hulk at bay.

You mumble an apology and stand up from the chair, pushing it back into the desk.

Leaving the room, you are in search of the nearest Avenger.

As you walk down the hall, a small rattling sound is heard from the ceiling above you. You know that there isn't a training room on the floor above you, so it must be...

"Hi, Clint!" You shout, looking at the ceiling.

You heard a loud bang, metal ricocheting from the ceiling. Clint must've hit his head, startled at your loud voice.

"Ya know, if I can hear you, you should probably brush up on your spying skills." You say, smirking.

Still standing in the hall, you hear the quietest "oomph" from behind you.

You turn around and see that Clint had dropped from the vents above you.

"Hiding from someone?" You ask, smirking.

He looks at you and nods his head, embarrassed.

It takes quite a lot to scare the mighty Hawkeye so you've got a feeling who he might be trying to escape from..

"Hmm.. Let me guess.. Natasha?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

He meets your eyes and exhales through his nose, nodding his head.

Chuckling, you shake your head at his antics.

Out of nowhere, you see Natasha turning into the hallway that the both of you are standing in. She's like a lion stalking her prey. Clint hadn't seemed to notice her presence, well.. Not until he noticed that you were looking past him and not at him.

"She's right behind me, isn't she?" He whispers, his voice slightly tainted with fear.

You don't bother answering him, as it was more of a rhetorical question.

All of a sudden, he breaks out into a sprint, dashing past you. Unfortunately, he is no match for the Black Widow and is tackled to the ground with her thighs squeezing the life out of his neck.

He makes strangled noises and tries thrashing but it isn't any use, so his body goes limp and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't even wanna know what this is about.." you say, backing up slowly.

"Y/n! You can't just leave me here!" Clint shouts, finally able to breathe yet still in a headlock.

"Oh, I can and I will.." you say, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

That poor man's life just flashed before his eyes.

"At least do me a favor- when Nat here kills me, take the bouquet off of my casket and throw it into the crowd to see who's next." He says.

Even while his life on the line, he still makes the best jokes. The three of you laugh and Clint thinks Natasha is distracted, so he tries to break himself free from her grip.

Nat ends up pinning him against the floor instead.

"Fuck.." Clint says.

"Language!" You hear from the other room.

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