"Annoying brat." (Loki x reader)

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"I am Y/n of Earth, and I am burdened with great boredom. I've come to terrorize you." You say, walking into the room.

Loki had been captured after terrorizing a group of rich people at a party. He had been moved to a glass cage, bored out of his mind. He had briefly spoken to Fury when he explained that with a push of a button, he could be launched into the Earth at several miles an hour if he tried to escape. But otherwise he had no interactions with others.

You are the niece of Agent Maria Hill and you had to stay with her until your Mom got back from a mission. Technically she's an honorary Aunt, not actually your biological one.

You had gotten tired of rolling around in an office chair in the tech room. It was boring and uneventful like most days that you were with her. So when you'd heard that the Asgardian terrorist had been imprisoned here in the compound, you had to check it out.

The moment you entered the room, you mocked his line of "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

He immediately turned around, facing you.  He didn't respond to your comment, just merely glared at you.

Chuckling at his expression, you sit down on the floor in front of his cage.

"How are you today? Still feeling burdened with glorious purpose?" You taunt, tilting your head to the side.

He doesn't speak, but this time he scoffs at you.

"What's wrong, love? Are my manners not suitable for you? I have, after all, introduced myself and attempted to make small talk.." You trail off.

"Shut up, mortal- I do not care for your words. Leave me be. I'm already stuck in this hell, there is no point in trying to make me suffer any more." He says, remaining standing in the center of his glass chamber.

You sigh and nod your head, pretending like you were actually paying attention to his words.

"I'm bored." You say, sighing.

"You are not the one who is trapped in a glass cage." He snaps.

"Mm, true." You hum.

You turn your body to the right a bit and lay down on the cold floor with your knees bent.

No words were exchanged for over five minutes, just silence. You blinked heavily and continue to stare at the ceiling.

"What is your purpose of being here?" Loki asks, breaking the silence.

You turn your head to the left and see that he had walked closer to the glass. He seemed to be warily eyeing you as if you were hiding something. Which you really weren't.

"I'm just bored. I was going insane having to listen to the constant clacking of keyboards. Hanging out with a murderous sociopath with daddy issues seemed like more fun." You say nonchalantly.

He narrows his eyes at the title you gave him.

"You're an annoying brat." He mumbles.

"Tell me something I don't already know." You lazily grin, shrugging your shoulders.

You sit up with a groan and rub the back of your neck.

"Wanna play twenty questions?" You ask, scooting a few inches closer to the glass.

He doesn't reply. You assume that he was ignoring you until a moment later he spoke up

"...What is that?" He curiously asks.

"We each get to ask each other twenty questions. It's like a get-to-know-you game."

He nods his head slowly, considering your offer. He sighs and walks closer to you, only an arms reach away from the glass wall.

Unexpectedly, he agrees to the game and sits down on the ground.

"I don't exactly have anything better to do." He sighs.

Even though he's done some terrible things- you can't help but feel a little bad for him. He seems lonely.

You take turns asking questions, them being about something simple like favorite colors, hobbies, or foods. He told you about some traditional Asgardian dishes and you told him about Midgardian ones.

You each had three questions left, when a door slams open.


You whip your head around, grinning sheepishly at her.

"Get away from him! Let's go. Please don't wander off again like that!" She says, lowering her voice a bit.

"Bye, Loki." You mumble to him.

He nods his head once in acknowledgement, yet not replying to you.

Maria guides you out the door, resting her hand on your lower back. She closes the door behind the two of you.

"Please don't run away like that, Y/n! You about gave me a heart attack! And also, please keep your distance from Loki. He's not a good influence." She says, her eyes scanning you worriedly.

"I'm fine, Aunt Mar. Sorry I left, I was just getting super bored. I promise I won't go anywhere without telling you from now on. But.. about Loki.. He actually wasn't too terrible. We just played twenty questions and talked a bit. In reality, we just sat in silence most of the time.." you say, walking alongside her.

"You're forgiven. But please, be careful around Loki. He may come off as kind to you, but you still need to keep in mind that he is the god of mischief and lies." She warns.

At least she didn't ban you from seeing him. You nod your head, promising that you'll be careful.

The next few days you continue to hang out with Loki. If you squinted you could see that he was beginning to warm up to you. Well, at least he had stop calling you an annoying brat...

...For the most part.

"Loki, you don't look to well. You need to get some sleep in a real bed.. Oh wait.. you can't because you're in a glass box."

"Annoying brat."

"I change the Uno card to yellow!"

"Annoying brat."

But in the end, he secretly enjoyed your company- although he would never admit it. You made his days in that box less hellish.

You may be an annoying brat, but you're his annoying brat.

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