Burrito (Thor x kid!R)

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I wander around the compound, unsure of what to do to keep myself busy. Bruce is in his lab, Clint is who knows where, and everyone else is on a mission.

I've seen every inch of this place except for a few rooms- including Thor's.

Like the snoop I am, I take the elevator to his room and let myself in.

It has a high ceiling, a king sized bed, a couch, TV, and an open wide space.

There is a closed door which must lead to the bathroom- as the other door I can see is a walk in closet. A piece of red fabric catches my eye and I smirk to myself.

I run over to the walk closet and see a bunch of Earth outfits- as well as some Asgardian attire.

But lo and behold, the main accessory for Thor- his red cape.

I quietly cackle to myself as a grin creeps it's way up on my face.

I reach up and take the cape off of the rack, holding it in front of me. It feels a lot heavier than it looks- the fabric is obviously very expensive.

I drape it over my arm and walk out of Thor's room, an idea in mind.

The Avengers exit the elevator with a ding, grateful to be back at the compound.

Everything had gone well and nobody was hurt luckily. Thor bid farewell to everyone and headed off to his room.

When he gets there he shower and then enters his walk in closet. He gets dressed and then he realizes something is missing from his wardrobe- there are supposed to be three capes when there is only one. One he had just worn when he got back earlier, one still in the closet, and one MIA.

He frowns and walks out of his room in search of the cape, worried that Tony had pranked him or something.

"Has anybody seen my cape?" He asks when he enters the common area.

Everyone shakes their head with a chorus of replies, all saying "no."

When he notices that you hadn't greeted any one them yet like you usually do, he heads off to your room.

He takes the elevator up to your bedroom and walks down the hall. The door is already open and he takes that as a sign to walk in.

There, on the ground, lays his cape.

He sighs and reaches down to grab it when he sees something strange- your feet are poking out the end of it.

He then realizes that you are literally wrapped up inside of his cape.

"Oh. Hey, Thor... I'm a burrito!" I say, the top of my head sticking out.

"Lady Y/n?? What are you doing?" He asks in curiosity.

"I'm a burrito. Sorry for taking your cape. But it was just too hard to resist- the fabric is soo comfy." I say, contently sighing at the last sentence.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Well, may I keep you company?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Sure! Maybe we can be burritos together?" I ask.

He grins and shrugs, nodding his head.

I smile and then unroll myself, standing up from the floor.

I grab the biggest blanket from my bed and lay it down on the ground. After I smooth it out, I instruct him to lie down on the edge of it.

"Now here, you'll hold onto this and roll. Flip over to your stomach with the blanket, yep. Yes! Just like that!" I cheer, watching him roll.

He groans and chuckles at the same time before the fabric runs out. Parts of his legs and shoulders stick out because of his tall frame.

"This is quite fun! And relaxing!" He smiles.

I then copy the move and next thing I know, we are laying next to each other, wrapped up.

Twenty minutes later

"So I was just thinki- What's going on?" A voice asks, stepping into the room.

Thor cranes his neck down to the figure in the doorway to see Tony standing there with an eyebrow raised.

"Lady Y/n and I are burritos!" He chirps.

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