"Dream A Little Dream of Me" (Steve x R)

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"We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when..
But I know we'll meet again
some sunny day..

The clock reads 10:00pm. Everyone is in their respective rooms for the night, tired after the long mission. Except Tony- he's likely still up, toying around in his lab. That man never sleeps..

"Keep smiling through,
just like you always do..
'Till the blue skies drive
the dark clouds far away.."

The only sound coming from your room is your vintage record player. It felt as if you were the only one that appreciated older music. Normal teenagers preferred Taylor Swift and One Direction.

But to be fair, you of course weren't exactly a normal teenager..

In fact, most people your age should be in bed sleeping- unlike you who is currently listening to an eighty year old song by Vera Lynn and painting a scenery inspired by your mental illnesses.


Definitely not a normal teenager...

Steve tried going to sleep but eventually gave up. If others went through the same fitness regime and lived the same life he did, they'd be out like a light. But not him thanks to his super soldier body..

The man groans, rubbing his eyelids. He wasn't even sure of where he was going. His feet chose the route for him and so he began to walk down the hall.

Steve passes by Natasha and Bruce's rooms and both of the lights are out, likely asleep. Everyone else has a different floor.

The last person who shared the same floor as him was the youngest Avenger, Y/n. She was like a little sister to him and he always kept an eye out for her.

He decided to keep strolling down the hall to the common room. He saw that her light was on, the beams shining from under the door. He originally was going to keep walking until his enhanced hearing picked up a familiar voice singing..

"So will you please say hello,
to the folks that I know?
Tell them I won't be long...
They'll be happy to..."

Steve stops in his tracks, furrowing his brows. He walks over closer to the door, pressing his ear against it.

Steve softly smiles at the sound of a familiar singer's voice filling the air, nostalgia rushing back to him. He figured that it wouldn't hurt to pop in and say hello.

You hum to the tune of the song until a knock is heard on your door. You furrow your eyebrows and look over to the sound. A pair of feet are just barely visible from under the door. You set the paintbrush down onto the palette and stand up, stretching.

Walking over to your shelf, you take the needle off of the record and the music stops playing. You walk over to the door and slowly open it, revealing a familiar blonde man standing on the other side.

"Oh, hey Steve. What's up?" You ask, tilting your head.

"Hey, I just couldn't sleep and was gonna walk to the common area but I couldn't help but hear the music playing. You like 40s music?" Hey asks, leaning against the doorframe.

A gentle hue of red coats your cheeks. It wasn't that you were embarrassed, but it just wasn't something that anyone had ever noticed. It was kinda like being caught enjoying your parent's music and another adult points it out. Almost as if you were stealing?.. If that makes any sense.

You clear your throat and nod your head.

"Uh Y-Yeah I do.. I don't know why, just a lot of the pop and jazz music is soothing.. Especially Vera Lynn. She has a beautiful voice." You reply, smiling at the last sentence.

"I think so too... Even though I grew up listening to those songs, it feels as though they just came out yesterday... You know, I had no idea you liked that music.. Not many people do- especially people your age." He points out in a curious tone.

"Oh yeah, well.. I'm not exactly like other people my age- considering the fact that I live with assassins, a century old supersoldier, and a green rage monster." You smirk.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Alright, well, I'll leave you to it. Good night, Y/n.." He says and starts to walk away.

"S-Steve, wait!" You call out.

He stops in his tracks and turns around, looking at you confused.

"Do you wanna listen with me? You said you couldn't sleep. I'm just painting right now." You say, shrugging.

"Sure." He says smiling.

You open the door wider and he steps in past you. Closing the door behind you, you walk back over to your shelf.

"This is a nice painting, Y/n!" He praises your work.

If only he knew what it was really about...

"Thank you, I literally just finished it as you knocked on the door." You pause.

"I'm gonna just start the song over so we can listen to it from the beginning." You say, bringing the needle back over to the record.

You gently lower it and sigh in content as the sweet melody fills the air.

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when..
But I know we'll meet again
some sunny day.."

Kneeling on the ground, you begin to pick up your art supplies that were sprawled out everywhere.

Steve glances around the room as he takes in the cozy aesthetic. There are multiple posters, two vases of fake flowers, a fuzzy carpet, pictures of the team, and a few records/albums that start from the 40s until the 80s.

"Ooh.. Ella Fitzgerald..." He mumbles to himself.

You chuckle at his comment, following his gaze to where your album lay.

The song comes to a stop and you walk over to the small vinyl, taking it off of the player.

You take out your Ella Fitzgerald album that you had inherited from your great-grandma. You blow the dust off of the cover as you hadn't played it in quite a while.

"When I was a little girl, my great-grandma would always have this playing. She loved Ella Fitzgerald. Before she passed away she gave me this record. That's kinda how I got into this music.. But I started exploring it more myself when I got older... Hah, I remember when I'd put my finest dress on and she'd spin my in circles as we'd dance together..." You quietly say, reminiscing at the fond memory.

"She had a good taste in music." Steve quietly says, looking at you.

You hum at his comment and gently set the record on the spinner, letting the needle drop.

The crackly sound of the distorted, aged audio begins to play. The background music kicks in and you sway side to side.

"Dance with me?" You say, facing him.

"Absolutely." He replies with a kind smile.

He stand up from his seat and takes your hand in his as the two of you begin to slow dance.

"Stars shining bright above you..
Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you..'"

So that's how you spend the next hour or so of your night- dancing with your  supersoldier friend as two of yours's favorite music begins to play.

"..Birds singing in the sycamore tree...
Dream a little dream of me.."

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