"Goddamnit, Loki!!!"

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"Where's Y/n?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen her this morning.."

"... Nor have I seen Loki.."

"Goddamnit! Not again!"

"Are you kidding me?! That's the third time!"

"Third time for what?"

"Loki kidnapped Y/n. Again."

You groan and rub your eyes, sitting up in bed. Except this bed feels different.. You actually to take to look around the room this time and notice that it isn't your room.

A familiar slender man with black hair sits in the corner of the room, reading a book.

"Goddamnit, Loki!" You groan, sighing.

He looks up from his look with a blank face.

"I was waiting for you to wake up. Breakfast is on the table next to you." He says, looking back down to his book.

This was the third time you had been kidnapped by Loki. The first time was to hold you ransom so the Avengers would search for you. He took you to an abandoned warehouse and put you in Asgardian handcuffs. You were terrified. They of course, came to your rescue a few hours later and kicked Loki's ass.

The second time, you were in your room reading. Next thing you know, you feel a presence standing behind you. You whipped your head around to see Loki. He dragged you out of your chair by your upper arm, your book still in your hand. He teleported the two of you to Asgard in a library. He sat you on the chair, not bothering to handcuff you because he knew that you wouldn't run away.

That time, you weren't even scared- just pissed off because you were in the middle of an interesting chapter. Apparently, the only reason why he kidnapped you is because he wanted to know everything there is to know about Midgard. You scolded him for kidnapping you when he could've just asked. He genuinely looked sorry for his actions. The two of you actually ended up having a pleasant conversation. About three or so hours later, he teleported you back to your room. The team had searched the entire compound and city for you. When they asked where you were, you simply shrugged and casually replied with "Eh, Loki kidnapped me for a few hours. To be honest it really wasn't that bad.". They thought that he had brainwashed you.

So now, you are currently eating a meal of eggs and a combination of Midgardian and Asgardian fruit.

"Loki, why did you kidnap me this time?" You ask, looking up from your plate.

"Well.. To he honest I'm not sure?... I also wouldn't say I kidnapped yo-"

"Loki, you took me from my bed in the middle of the night, without my knowledge, and teleported us to a different planet." You say flatly.

After a moment of silence, he simply mutters "touché".

"But seriously though- why did you bring me here?" You ask, putting the finished plate on the nightstand.

He sighs and closes his book, shifting his body so it points toward you.

"W-Well, I figured we could.. Continue with the conversation we were having last time?" He timidly asks.

You furrow your brows, genuinely shocked that that was his reason. He silently waits for your reply.

"Oh.. Well, Loki, you didn't need to steal me from my bed! If you asked, I would have come." You say with a soft smile.

He looks at you a little ashamed. He clears his throat.

"I-uh.. I suppose I didn't think of that. I apologize for.. kidnapping you." He says.

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