"Is she hot?"

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Summary: F!reader gets teased by some of her teammates and they get the plot-twist of their life time.

"Wanda, I'm nervous.. I don't know how to act or what to do!" I exclaim, sitting at Wanda's vanity.

Wanda is currently doing my makeup as Natasha sits in a nearby chair, scrolling through her phone. Clint lays on Wanda's bed as he quietly hums Bohemian Rhapsody to himself. He insisted that he bear witness to me getting ready for my first date. I have a date in fifteen minutes and the girls help me get ready as the three of them give me advice.

"I mean, I'm already a freshman and I haven't even had a first kiss.. Is that weird or no? Most of my friends have already." I groan, wringing my hands together.

"Hun, I grew up in the Red Room as a straight female surrounded by only girls for nearly two decades. You can imagine how late it was when I was with a guy." Natasha flatly points out, tucking her phone away.

"True.." I mumble.

"I know what'll help you reach first base- show off your knife throwing skills." Clint says, dramatically exhaling as he pushes himself up onto his elbows.

"That's how I won Laura over." He shrugs.

Nat scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Bullshit, you bumped into Laura and spilled coffee on her, making her late for work. You're lucky she trusted a stranger enough to waltz into his home and get cleaned up in his bathroom. I wouldn't even say lucky, cursed is more like it." Natasha scoffs, mumbling the last sentence.

"Hey, just do whatever floats your boat... But no tongue though!- never on the first date." Clint states, pointing at me.

"For a man who has been married for over a decade, you suck at dating advice." I tease, rolling my eyes.

"But it worked for me either way, you said it yourself- I'm married." He shrugs with a smarmy grin.

I look at the time on my phone and realize that I have to leave in two minutes.

I take a deep breath and check myself in the mirror. Wanda did a really good job on my makeup.

"You'll have a good time, my love." Wanda says, hugging my shoulders as she looks at me through the mirror.

The three of of them wish me good luck and send me off with smiles.


"Oh my God... Oh my God, oh my God..." I pant, grinning like crazy.

"I was gonna ask how it went, but I think I already know the answer." Clint says, bringing me into a hug.

Wanda embraces me next and kisses the top of my head.

Wanda leads me down the hall to her room as Nat and Clint slowly trail behind. When we walk down the hall, Sam and Tony walk by.

"Oooh! What's got you smiling all crazy like that girl??" Sam teases.

"You got a new boyfriend I don't know about?" Tony chimes in, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." I flatly reply.

Wanda stifles a laugh by biting down on her lower lip and Natasha looks to the ground to hide her smirk. Clint winks at me knowingly.

"Mhmm.. Sureee.." Sam grins, walking by.

Natasha scoffs as she shakes her head and we finally reach Wanda's room.

I run over and flop down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Smiling softly, I close my eyes and sigh in content.

"Alright girlie, get talking!" Nat says, sitting in the same chair as earlier.


"...and then after the movie we walked across the street to the diner as we held hands. We shared a strawberry milkshake and talked about our favorite music. Before we split ways we.." I pause, biting my lip.

"Go on!" Wanda cheers, leaning forward in her chair in anticipation.

"..We kissed!" I blurt out, my face turning the same shade as Nat's hair. I slightly squeal and squeeze my eyes shut, biting my lip.

They both "aww" and I can't help my smile.

"Gosh, I know it totally sounds like a cheesy 80s movie but... Damn.. it was magical.." I grin, letting out a content sigh.

"I'm so glad that you two had a good time! I'm very happy for you, Y/n!" Wanda says.

"I hope you took my advi-"

"No, I did not use tongue, Clint." I cut him off, holding my hand up.

Unbeknownst to any of the four people in the room, Sam and Tony were listening in on their conversation.

"Hah! I knew she was dating someone! I need to go find the name of the bastard so I can threaten his ass." Sam whispers shouts.

Tony rolls his eyes and the two of them walk away from the door.

If only they had stayed around a second longer, the two men would've heard an important detail that would surprise them both...

"Now, you've described all of the personality traits n' stuff to us, Y/n.. But I gotta know.. Is she hot?"

"Ugh! Clliiint!"

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