Home. (Sam x Bucky x Teen!R)

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How dare he leave me.

He didn't just leave me. He left his best friend. The one who had been separated from him for over seven decades.

And a friend who he trusted. Who he went to when he had nobody else.

But how could he leave me?

I saw that man like an older brother. But maybe that brotherly-sisterly feeling wasn't mutual..

"Hey, Bucky. How'd it go?.... Sam? Guys?... What's going on?.." I ask, leaning in the doorway of the common room.

Sam shifts from one foot to the other and Bucky looks away with a flare of his nostrils.

On Sam's back is a circular tote made of leather. Bucky takes a step forwards and his steely blue eyes finally meet mine.

"W-What?".. I stutter, furrowing my eyebrows.

"D-Did something happen with the machine? Is he okay??-- W-Wher-"

"He's gone." Sam finally quietly interrupts, swallowing roughly.

I slightly shake my head with a confused look. No.


This can't be happening..

"W-What do you mean, gone?" I ask, spitting out the last word as though it left a disgusting taste in my mouth.

"He.. He went back in time.. Decided to stay.. with.. w-with Peggy.." Bucky disdainfully says, looking as upset as I.

"No- h-he told me he was coming back! HE SAID HE'D NEVER LEAVE ME! WHY'D HE CHOOSE H-HER?? HE- HE'S LIKE M-MY BROTHER!" I cry out, slamming my fist against the wall.

Bucky flinches at the sound and looks away, tears of his own filling his eyes.

"I know, Y/n. I know." He whispers.

I clutch my bruising hand to my chest and slowly slide down the wall.

Sam awkwardly shifts and whispers a goodbye, leaving us alone.

"I-I don't understand! W-Wh.." I trail off, wailing.

Bucky's lip trembles and he slowly walks over, crouching down to my level.

He sits on the left side of me and lets me cry into his leather jacket, both of us suffering together. Yet still alone.

"Y/n? You hear what I said?" Bucky says, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

"Yeah, sorry.. Just.. thinking." I quietly say, looking out the window.

He hums in acknowledgement and keeps his eyes on the road, looking over his dark sunglasses.

"We'll be there in about ten minutes. Don't let me forget about the cake. Been havin' a case of old-man brain lately." He dryly chuckles, attempting to cheer me up.

Bucky had taken on the role of my guardian after Steve left.

In a sense..

Considering that.. ya know.. He is kind of an ex-assassin with a poor history that is taking mandated therapy so he isn't sent to prison.

Technically- technically... According to the law... He kinda did... Uhm...

Kidnap me.

But let's not talk about that!

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